Sanjeev Kumar
Sanjeev Kumar
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Spin-orbital frustrations and anomalous metallic state in iron-pnictide superconductors
F Krüger, S Kumar, J Zaanen, J van den Brink
Physical Review B 79 (5), 054504, 2009
Theoretical prediction of multiferroicity in double perovskite Y 2 NiMnO 6
S Kumar, G Giovannetti, J van den Brink, S Picozzi
Physical Review B 82 (13), 134429, 2010
Multiferroicity in Rare-Earth Nickelates R NiO 3
G Giovannetti, S Kumar, D Khomskii, S Picozzi, J van den Brink
Physical review letters 103 (15), 156401, 2009
Multiferroicity in TTF-CA organic molecular crystals predicted through ab initio calculations
G Giovannetti, S Kumar, A Stroppa, J van den Brink, S Picozzi
Physical review letters 103 (26), 266401, 2009
A travelling cluster approximation for lattice fermions strongly coupled to classical degrees of freedom
S Kumar, P Majumdar
The European Physical Journal B-Condensed Matter and Complex Systems 50 (4 …, 2006
Room-temperature spin-spiral multiferroicity in high-pressure cupric oxide
X Rocquefelte, K Schwarz, P Blaha, S Kumar, J Van Den Brink
Nature communications 4 (1), 1-7, 2013
Magnetically induced electronic ferroelectricity in half-doped manganites
G Giovannetti, S Kumar, J van den Brink, S Picozzi
Physical review letters 103 (3), 037601, 2009
High- Ferroelectricity Emerging from Magnetic Degeneracy in Cupric Oxide
G Giovannetti, S Kumar, A Stroppa, J van den Brink, S Picozzi, ...
Physical review letters 106 (2), 026401, 2011
Frustration-induced insulating chiral spin state in itinerant triangular-lattice magnets
S Kumar, J van den Brink
Physical review letters 105 (21), 216405, 2010
Delta doping of ferromagnetism in antiferromagnetic manganite superlattices
TS Santos, BJ Kirby, S Kumar, SJ May, JA Borchers, BB Maranville, ...
Physical review letters 107 (16), 167202, 2011
Insulator-metal phase diagram of the optimally doped manganites from the disordered holstein-double exchange model
S Kumar, P Majumdar
Physical review letters 96 (1), 016602, 2006
Switchable quantum anomalous Hall state in a strongly frustrated lattice magnet
JWF Venderbos, M Daghofer, J van den Brink, S Kumar
Physical review letters 109 (16), 166405, 2012
Microscopic Origin of Large Negative Magnetoelectric Coupling in
G Giovannetti, S Kumar, C Ortix, M Capone, J van den Brink
Physical review letters 109 (10), 107601, 2012
Mott state and quantum critical points in rare-earth oxypnictides RO1-xFxFeAs (R= La, Sm, Nd, Pr, Ce)
G Giovannetti, S Kumar, J van den Brink
Physica B: Condensed Matter 403 (19-20), 3653-3657, 2008
Singular effect of disorder on electronic transport in strongly coupled electron-phonon systems
S Kumar, P Majumdar
Physical review letters 94 (13), 136601, 2005
Nanoscale phase coexistence and percolative quantum transport
S Kumar, P Majumdar
Physical review letters 92 (12), 126602, 2004
Charge ordering and magnetism in quarter-filled Hubbard-Holstein model
S Kumar, J van den Brink
Physical Review B 78 (15), 155123, 2008
Transport and localisation in the presence of strong structural and spin disorder
S Kumar, P Majumdar
The European Physical Journal B-Condensed Matter and Complex Systems 46 (2 …, 2005
Domain formation and orbital ordering transition in a doped Jahn-Teller insulator
S Kumar, AP Kampf, P Majumdar
Physical review letters 97 (17), 176403, 2006
Electronic mechanism for nanoscale skyrmions and topological metals
D Kathyat, A Mukherjee, S Kumar
Physical Review B 103, 035111, 2021
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Articles 1–20