Joachim Keinert
Joachim Keinert
Chief Scientist, Fraunhofer IIS, Moving Picture Technologies
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Handbook of signal processing systems
SS Bhattacharyya, EF Deprettere, R Leupers, J Takala
Springer, 2013
SystemCoDesigner—an automatic ESL synthesis approach by design space exploration and behavioral synthesis for streaming applications
J Keinert, M Streubūhr, T Schlichter, J Falk, J Gladigau, C Haubelt, J Teich, ...
ACM Transactions on Design Automation of Electronic Systems (TODAES) 14 (1 …, 2009
A SystemC-based design methodology for digital signal processing systems
C Haubelt, J Falk, J Keinert, T Schlichter, M Streubühr, A Deyhle, A Hadert, ...
EURASIP Journal on Embedded Systems 2007, 1-22, 2007
SystemCoDesigner: automatic design space exploration and rapid prototyping from behavioral models
C Haubelt, T Schlichter, J Keinert, M Meredith
Proceedings of the 45th annual Design Automation Conference, 580-585, 2008
A generalized static data flow clustering algorithm for MPSoC scheduling of multimedia applications
J Falk, J Keinert, C Haubelt, J Teich, SS Bhattacharyya
Proceedings of the 8th ACM international conference on Embedded software …, 2008
Efficient Multi‐image Correspondences for On‐line Light Field Video Processing
Ł Dąbała, M Ziegler, P Didyk, F Zilly, J Keinert, K Myszkowski, HP Seidel, ...
Computer graphics forum 35 (7), 401-410, 2016
Modeling and analysis of windowed synchronous algorithms
J Keinert, C Haubelt, J Teich
2006 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics Speech and Signal Processing …, 2006
JPEG XS, a new standard for visually lossless low-latency lightweight image compression
A Descampe, J Keinert, T Richter, S Fößel, G Rouvroy
Applications of Digital Image Processing XL 10396, 68-79, 2017
Symbolic voter placement for dependability-aware system synthesis
F Reimann, M Glaβ, M Lukasiewycz, J Keinert, C Haubelt, J Teich
Proceedings of the 6th IEEE/ACM/IFIP international conference on Hardware …, 2008
Acquisition system for dense lightfield of large scenes
M Ziegler, R op het Veld, J Keinert, F Zilly
2017 3DTV Conference: the true vision-capture, transmission and display of …, 2017
JPEG XS—A new standard for visually lossless low-latency lightweight image coding
A Descampe, T Richter, T Ebrahimi, S Foessel, J Keinert, T Bruylants, ...
Proceedings of the IEEE 109 (9), 1559-1577, 2021
Design of image processing embedded systems using multidimensional data flow
J Keinert, J Teich
Springer Science & Business Media, 2010
Light-field view synthesis using a convolutional block attention module
MSK Gul, MU Mukati, M Bätz, S Forchhammer, J Keinert
2021 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), 3398-3402, 2021
Entropy coding and entropy coding improvements of jpeg xs
T Richter, J Keinert, A Descampe, G Rouvroy
2018 Data Compression Conference, 87-96, 2018
Model-based synthesis and optimization of static multi-rate image processing algorithms
J Keinert, H Dutta, F Hannig, C Haubelt, J Teich
2009 Design, Automation & Test in Europe Conference & Exhibition, 135-140, 2009
JPEG-XS—A high-quality mezzanine image codec for video over IP
T Richter, J Keinert, S Foessel, A Descampe, G Rouvroy, JB Lorent
SMPTE Motion Imaging Journal 127 (9), 39-49, 2018
Analysis of SystemC actor networks for efficient synthesis
J Falk, C Zebelein, J Keinert, C Haubelt, J Teich, SS Bhattacharyya
ACM Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems (TECS) 10 (2), 1-34, 2011
A high-resolution high dynamic range light-field dataset with an application to view synthesis and tone-mapping
MSK Gul, T Wolf, M Bätz, M Ziegler, J Keinert
2020 IEEE International Conference on Multimedia & Expo Workshops (ICMEW), 1-6, 2020
Multi-camera system for depth based visual effects and compositing
M Ziegler, A Engelhardt, S Müller, J Keinert, F Zilly, S Foessel, K Schmid
Proceedings of the 12th European Conference on Visual Media Production, 1-10, 2015
A benchmark of light field view interpolation methods
D Yue, MSK Gul, M Bätz, J Keinert, R Mantiuk
2020 IEEE International Conference on Multimedia & Expo Workshops (ICMEW), 1-6, 2020
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