Stephan Rinderknecht
Stephan Rinderknecht
Professor am Institut für Mechatronische Systeme im Maschinenbau, Technische Universität Darmstadt
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Active lower limb prosthetics: a systematic review of design issues and solutions
M Windrich, M Grimmer, O Christ, S Rinderknecht, P Beckerle
Biomedical engineering online 15, 5-19, 2016
Operating a storage-augmented hybrid microgrid considering battery aging costs
T Weitzel, M Schneider, CH Glock, F Löber, S Rinderknecht
Journal of Cleaner Production 188, 638-654, 2018
A human–machine-centered design method for (powered) lower limb prosthetics
P Beckerle, O Christ, T Schürmann, J Vogt, O von Stryk, S Rinderknecht
Robotics and Autonomous Systems 95, 1-12, 2017
Stochastic synthesis of representative and multidimensional driving cycles
A Esser, M Zeller, S Foulard, S Rinderknecht
SAE International Journal of Alternative Powertrains 7 (3), 263-272, 2018
Unbalance and resonance elimination with active bearings on a Jeffcott Rotor
S Heindel, F Becker, S Rinderknecht
Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing 85, 339-353, 2017
Unbalance detection in rotor systems with active bearings using self-sensing piezoelectric actuators
R Ambur, S Rinderknecht
Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing 102, 72-86, 2018
Oil whip instability control using μ-synthesis technique on a magnetic actuator
B Riemann, EA Perini, KL Cavalca, HF de Castro, S Rinderknecht
Journal of Sound and Vibration 332 (4), 654-673, 2013
User-centered prosthetic development: comprehension of amputees’ needs
O Christ, M Jokisch, J Preller, P Beckerle, J Wojtusch, S Rinderknecht, ...
Biomedical Engineering/Biomedizinische Technik 57 (SI-1-Track-R), 1098-1101, 2012
Qanti: a software tool for quick ambiguous non-standard text input
T Felzer, IS MacKenzie, P Beckerle, S Rinderknecht
Computers Helping People with Special Needs: 12th International Conference …, 2010
Using inventory models for sizing energy storage systems: An interdisciplinary approach
M Schneider, K Biel, S Pfaller, H Schaede, S Rinderknecht, CH Glock
Journal of Energy Storage 8, 339-348, 2016
Electric power train configurations and their transmission systems
S Rinderknecht, T Meier
SPEEDAM 2010, 1564-1568, 2010
Conception and evaluation of a novel variable torsion stiffness for biomechanical applications
J Schuy, P Beckerle, J Wojtusch, S Rinderknecht, O Von Stryk
2012 4th IEEE RAS & EMBS International Conference on Biomedical Robotics and …, 2012
Unbalance and resonance elimination with active bearings on general rotors
S Heindel, PC Müller, S Rinderknecht
Journal of Sound and Vibration 431, 422-440, 2018
Effects of operational strategies on performance and costs of electric energy storage systems
M Schneider, P Boras, H Schaede, L Quurck, S Rinderknecht
Energy Procedia 46, 271-280, 2014
Active control of planetary gearbox vibration using phase-exact and narrowband simultaneous equations adaptation without explicitly identified secondary path models
P Zech, DF Plöger, S Rinderknecht
Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing 120, 234-251, 2019
Optimal sizing of electrical energy storage systems using inventory models
M Schneider, K Biel, S Pfaller, H Schaede, S Rinderknecht, CH Glock
Energy Procedia 73, 48-58, 2015
A phenomenological approach to temperature dependent piezo stack actuator modeling
R Köhler, S Rinderknecht
Sensors and Actuators A: Physical 200, 123-132, 2013
Vibration isolation for parameter-varying rotor systems using piezoelectric actuators and gain-scheduled control
FB Becker, MA Sehr, S Rinderknecht
Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures 28 (16), 2286-2297, 2017
Does it pay to have a damper in a powered ankle prosthesis? a power-energy perspective
M Eslamy, M Grimmer, S Rinderknecht, A Seyfarth
2013 IEEE 13th International Conference on Rehabilitation Robotics (ICORR), 1-8, 2013
Automotive drivetrain model for transmission damage prediction
S Foulard, S Rinderknecht, M Ichchou, J Perret-Liaudet
Mechatronics 30, 27-54, 2015
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