Elio König
Cited by
Cited by
Photogalvanic effect in Weyl semimetals
EJ König, HY Xie, DA Pesin, A Levchenko
Physical Review B 96 (7), 075123, 2017
Gyrotropic Hall effect in Berry-curved materials
EJ König, M Dzero, A Levchenko, DA Pesin
Physical Review B 99 (15), 155404, 2019
Metal-insulator transition in two-dimensional random fermion systems of chiral symmetry classes
EJ König, PM Ostrovsky, IV Protopopov, AD Mirlin
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 85 (19), 195130, 2012
Magic-angle semimetals
Y Fu, EJ König, JH Wilson, YZ Chou, JH Pixley
npj Quantum Materials 5 (1), 71, 2020
Tunneling spectroscopy of quantum spin liquids
EJ König, MT Randeria, B Jäck
Physical Review Letters 125 (26), 267206, 2020
Half-integer quantum Hall effect of disordered Dirac fermions at a topological insulator surface
EJ König, PM Ostrovsky, IV Protopopov, IV Gornyi, IS Burmistrov, ...
Physical Review B 90 (16), 165435, 2014
Spin magnetometry as a probe of stripe superconductivity in twisted bilayer graphene
EJ König, P Coleman, AM Tsvelik
Physical Review B 102 (10), 104514, 2020
Crystalline-symmetry-protected helical Majorana modes in the iron pnictides
EJ König, P Coleman
Physical review letters 122 (20), 207001, 2019
Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless transition in homogeneously disordered superconducting films
EJ König, A Levchenko, IV Protopopov, IV Gornyi, IS Burmistrov, AD Mirlin
Physical Review B 92 (21), 214503, 2015
Mott insulators with boundary zeros
N Wagner, L Crippa, A Amaricci, P Hansmann, M Klett, EJ König, ...
Nature Communications 14 (1), 7531, 2023
Kerr Effect from Diffractive Skew Scattering in Chiral Superconductors
EJ König, A Levchenko
Physical Review Letters 118 (2), 027001, 2017
Magic-angle semimetals with chiral symmetry
YZ Chou, Y Fu, JH Wilson, EJ König, JH Pixley
Physical Review B 101 (23), 235121, 2020
Density of states in a two-dimensional chiral metal with vacancies
PM Ostrovsky, IV Protopopov, EJ König, IV Gornyi, AD Mirlin, ...
Physical Review Letters 113 (18), 186803, 2014
Interaction and disorder effects in three-dimensional topological insulator thin films
EJ König, PM Ostrovsky, IV Protopopov, IV Gornyi, IS Burmistrov, ...
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 88 (3), 035106, 2013
Universal fidelity near quantum and topological phase transitions in finite one-dimensional systems
EJ König, A Levchenko, N Sedlmayr
Physical Review B 93 (23), 235160, 2016
Triplet resonating valence bond state and superconductivity in Hund’s metals
P Coleman, Y Komijani, EJ König
Physical review letters 125 (7), 077001, 2020
Soluble limit and criticality of fermions in gauge theories
EJ König, P Coleman, AM Tsvelik
Physical Review B 102 (15), 155143, 2020
Frustrated Kondo impurity triad: A toy model of deconfinement
EJ König, P Coleman, Y Komijani
arXiv e-prints, arXiv: 2002.12338, 2020
Emergent moments in a Hund's impurity
V Drouin-Touchette, EJ König, Y Komijani, P Coleman
Physical Review B 103 (20), 205147, 2021
Quantum field theory of nematic transitions in spin-orbit-coupled spin-1 polar bosons
EJ König, JH Pixley
Physical review letters 121 (8), 083402, 2018
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Articles 1–20