Johannes Berendt
Johannes Berendt
Hochschule Hannover
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Cited by
Enemies with benefits: The dual role of rivalry in shaping sports fans’ identity
J Berendt, S Uhrich
European Sport Management Quarterly 16 (5), 613-634, 2016
Marketing, get ready to rumble—How rivalry promotes distinctiveness for brands and consumers
J Berendt, S Uhrich, SA Thompson
Journal of Business Research 88, 161-172, 2018
Rivalry and fan aggression: why acknowledging conflict reduces tension between rival fans and downplaying makes things worse
J Berendt, S Uhrich
European Sport Management Quarterly 18 (4), 517-540, 2018
Acknowledging Versus Ignoring the Identity-Relevance of Rivalry-Why Endorsing Dual Identities Decreases Spector Aggression and Downplaying Makes Things Worse
J Berendt, T Sport, S Uhrich
Can’t live with them, can’t live without them: the ambivalent effects of existential outgroup threat on helping behavior
J Berendt, E van Leeuwen, S Uhrich
Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 50 (6), 971-984, 2024
Rivalry in the German Bundesliga-Opportunities for and Threats to Marketing Football
S Uhrich, J Berendt, J Königstorfer
International cases in the business of sport, 12-19, 2017
EXPRESS: The Rivalry Reference Effect: Referencing Rival (vs. Non-Rival) Competitors in Public Brand Messages Increases Consumer Engagement
J Berendt, S Uhrich, A Borah, GJ Kilduff
Journal of Marketing Research, 00222437241248414, 2024
Marketing, Get Ready to Rumble: Why Consumers Appreciate Brand Rivalries
J Berendt, S Uhrich
Advances in Consumer Research 44, 390-391, 2016
Don't Knock The Competition–Knock The Rival: Why Brand Rivalry Creates Message Virality
J Berendt, S Uhrich, A Borah, G Kilduff
Advances in Consumer Research 49, 386-387, 2021
Positive Konsequenzen von Rivalität auf die Identität von Konsumenten und Marken-Empirische Analysen in Teamsport-und Konsumgütermärkten
J Berendt
Deutsche Sporthochschule Köln, 2018
Case 2 Rivalry in the German Bundesliga: Opportunities for and threats to marketing football
S Uhrich, J Berendt, J Koenigstorfer
International Cases in the Business of Sport, 34-41, 2017
Acknowledging versus Ignoring the Identity-Relevance of Rivalry: Why Endorsing Dual Identities Decreases Spectator Aggression and Downplaying Makes Things Worse
S Uhrich, J Berendt
Advances in Consumer Research 45, 924-925, 2017
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