michelle watt
michelle watt
Professor of Botany, University of Melbourne
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Traits and selection strategies to improve root systems and water uptake in water-limited wheat crops
AP Wasson, RA Richards, R Chatrath, SC Misra, SVS Prasad, ...
Journal of experimental botany 63 (9), 3485-3498, 2012
Energy costs of salt tolerance in crop plants
R Munns, DA Day, W Fricke, M Watt, B Arsova, BJ Barkla, J Bose, CS Byrt, ...
New Phytologist 225 (3), 1072-1090, 2020
Breeding for improved water productivity in temperate cereals: phenotyping, quantitative trait loci, markers and the selection environment
RA Richards, GJ Rebetzke, M Watt, AGT Condon, W Spielmeyer, ...
Functional Plant Biology 37 (2), 85-97, 2010
Large root systems: are they useful in adapting wheat to dry environments?
JA Palta, X Chen, SP Milroy, GJ Rebetzke, MF Dreccer, M Watt
Functional Plant Biology 38 (5), 347-354, 2011
Evolution of bacterial communities in the wheat crop rhizosphere
S Donn, JA Kirkegaard, G Perera, AE Richardson, M Watt
Environmental microbiology 17 (3), 610-621, 2015
Brachypodium as a model for the grasses: today and the future
J Brkljacic, E Grotewold, R Scholl, T Mockler, DF Garvin, P Vain, T Brutnell, ...
Plant physiology 157 (1), 3-13, 2011
Soil conditions and cereal root system architecture: review and considerations for linking Darwin and Weaver
SM Rich, M Watt
Journal of experimental botany 64 (5), 1193-1208, 2013
Rates of root and organism growth, soil conditions, and temporal and spatial development of the rhizosphere
M Watt, WK Silk, JB Passioura
Annals of botany 97 (5), 839-855, 2006
Proteoid roots. Physiology and development
M Watt, JR Evans
Plant Physiology 121 (2), 317-323, 1999
Soil compaction and the architectural plasticity of root systems
J Correa, JA Postma, M Watt, T Wojciechowski
Journal of experimental botany 70 (21), 6019-6034, 2019
Microbiome and Exudates of the Root and Rhizosphere of Brachypodium distachyon, a Model for Wheat
A Kawasaki, S Donn, PR Ryan, U Mathesius, R Devilla, A Jones, M Watt
PloS one 11 (10), e0164533, 2016
Sense and nonsense in conservation agriculture: principles, pragmatism and productivity in Australian mixed farming systems
JA Kirkegaard, MK Conyers, JR Hunt, CA Kirkby, M Watt, GJ Rebetzke
Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 187, 133-145, 2014
Mechanisms for cellular transport and release of allelochemicals from plant roots into the rhizosphere
LA Weston, PR Ryan, M Watt
Journal of experimental botany 63 (9), 3445-3454, 2012
Linking development and determinacy with organic acid efflux from proteoid roots of white lupin grown with low phosphorus and ambient or elevated atmospheric CO2 concentration
M Watt, JR Evans
Plant physiology 120 (3), 705-716, 1999
Formation and stabilization of rhizosheaths of Zea mays L.(effect of soil water content)
M Watt, ME McCully, MJ Canny
Plant Physiology 106 (1), 179-186, 1994
Crop improvement from phenotyping roots: highlights reveal expanding opportunities
SR Tracy, KA Nagel, JA Postma, H Fassbender, A Wasson, M Watt
Trends in plant science 25 (1), 105-118, 2020
Numbers and locations of native bacteria on field‐grown wheat roots quantified by fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH)
M Watt, P Hugenholtz, R White, K Vinall
Environmental Microbiology 8 (5), 871-884, 2006
Alleviation of salinity stress in plants by endophytic plant-fungal symbiosis: Current knowledge, perspectives and future directions
S Gupta, M Schillaci, R Walker, PMC Smith, M Watt, U Roessner
Plant and Soil 461, 219-244, 2021
OpenSimRoot: widening the scope and application of root architectural models
JA Postma, C Kuppe, MR Owen, N Mellor, M Griffiths, MJ Bennett, ...
New Phytologist 215 (3), 1274-1286, 2017
A screening method to identify genetic variation in root growth response to a salinity gradient
A Rahnama, R Munns, K Poustini, M Watt
Journal of experimental botany 62 (1), 69-77, 2011
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