Markus Weber
Markus Weber
Wacom Europe GmbH
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Improved automatic analysis of architectural floor plans
S Ahmed, M Liwicki, M Weber, A Dengel
2011 International conference on document analysis and recognition, 864-869, 2011
Automatic room detection and room labeling from architectural floor plans
S Ahmed, M Liwicki, M Weber, A Dengel
2012 10th IAPR international workshop on document analysis systems, 339-343, 2012
Graph-based retrieval of building information models for supporting the early design stages
C Langenhan, M Weber, M Liwicki, F Petzold, A Dengel
Advanced Engineering Informatics 27 (4), 413-426, 2013
Automatic analysis and sketch-based retrieval of architectural floor plans
S Ahmed, M Weber, M Liwicki, C Langenhan, A Dengel, F Petzold
Pattern Recognition Letters 35, 91-100, 2014
A personalized exercise trainer for the elderly
G Bleser, D Steffen, M Weber, G Hendeby, D Stricker, L Fradet, F Marin, ...
Journal of ambient intelligence and smart environments 5 (6), 547-562, 2013
Exploring and extending the boundaries of physical activity recognition
A Reiss, M Weber, D Stricker
2011 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, 46-50, 2011
Text/graphics segmentation in architectural floor plans
S Ahmed, M Weber, M Liwicki, A Dengel
2011 International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition, 734-738, 2011
Perspectives of psychotherapists and psychiatrists on mental health care integration within primary care via video consultations: qualitative preimplementation study
M Hoffmann, M Wensing, F Peters-Klimm, J Szecsenyi, M Hartmann, ...
Journal of Medical Internet Research 22 (6), e17569, 2020
Personalized physical activity monitoring using wearable sensors
G Bleser, D Steffen, A Reiss, M Weber, G Hendeby, L Fradet
Smart health: Open problems and future challenges, 99-124, 2015
a. SCatch: semantic structure for architectural floor plan retrieval
M Weber, C Langenhan, T Roth-Berghofer, M Liwicki, A Dengel, F Petzold
Case-Based Reasoning. Research and Development: 18th International …, 2010
Integrating digital pens in breast imaging for instant knowledge acquisition
D Sonntag, M Weber, A Cavallaro, M Hammon
Ai Magazine 35 (1), 26-26, 2014
A. scatch-a sketch-based retrieval for architectural floor plans
M Weber, M Liwicki, A Dengel
2010 12th International Conference on Frontiers in Handwriting Recognition …, 2010
A personalized exercise trainer for elderly
D Steffen, G Bleser, M Weber, D Stricker, L Fradet, F Marin
2011 5th International Conference on Pervasive Computing Technologies for …, 2011
Mcs for online mode detection: Evaluation on pen-enabled multi-touch interfaces
M Weber, M Liwicki, YTH Schelske, C Schoelzel, F Strauß, A Dengel
2011 International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition, 957-961, 2011
Towards medical cyber-physical systems: Multimodal augmented reality for doctors and knowledge discovery about patients
D Sonntag, S Zillner, C Schulz, M Weber, T Toyama
Design, User Experience, and Usability. User Experience in Novel …, 2013
Faster Subgraph Isomorphism Detection by Well-Founded Total Order Indexing
M Weber, M Liwicki, A Dengel
Pattern Recognition Letters, 2012
LSTM-Based Early Recognition of Motion Patterns
M Weber, C Schölzel, M Liwicki, S Uchida, D Stricker
22nd International Conference on Pattern Recognition, 2014
Robot companions and smartpens for improved social communication of dementia patients
A Prange, IP Sandrala, M Weber, D Sonntag
Companion Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Intelligent …, 2015
Sketch-based methods for researching building layouts through the semantic fingerprint of architecture
C Langenhan, M Weber, M Liwicki, F Petzold, A Dengel
Computer-Aided Architectural Design Futures, 2011
Seamless Integration of Handwriting Recognition into Pen-Enabled Displays for Fast User Interaction
M Liwicki, M Weber, T Zimmermann, A Dengel
DAS 2012 10th IAPR International Workshop on Document Analysis Systems, 364 …, 2012
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