Hubertus Thomas
Hubertus Thomas
DLR-Institute of Materials Physics in Space
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Plasma crystal: Coulomb crystallization in a dusty plasma
H Thomas, GE Morfill, V Demmel, J Goree, B Feuerbacher, D Möhlmann
Physical Review Letters 73 (5), 652, 1994
Melting dynamics of a plasma crystal
HM Thomas, GE Morfill
Nature 379 (6568), 806-809, 1996
Condensed plasmas under microgravity
GE Morfill, HM Thomas, U Konopka, H Rothermel, M Zuzic, A Ivlev, ...
Physical review letters 83 (8), 1598, 1999
Ion drag force in complex plasmas
SA Khrapak, AV Ivlev, GE Morfill, HM Thomas
Physical review E 66 (4), 046414, 2002
Elementary processes in complex plasmas
VN Tsytovich, GE Morfill, SV Vladimirov, HM Thomas, VN Tsytovich, ...
Elementary Physics of Complex Plasmas, 67-140, 2008
Cold atmospheric plasma (CAP) changes gene expression of key molecules of the wound healing machinery and improves wound healing in vitro and in vivo
S Arndt, P Unger, E Wacker, T Shimizu, J Heinlin, YF Li, HM Thomas, ...
PloS one 8 (11), e79325, 2013
PKE-Nefedov*: Plasma crystal experiments on the international space station
AP Nefedov, GE Morfill, VE Fortov, HM Thomas, H Rothermel, T Hagl, ...
New journal of physics 5 (1), 33, 2003
Mach cones in a coulomb lattice and a dusty plasma
D Samsonov, J Goree, ZW Ma, A Bhattacharjee, HM Thomas, GE Morfill
Physical review letters 83 (18), 3649, 1999
Complex plasma laboratory PK-3 plus on the international space station
HM Thomas, GE Morfill, VE Fortov, AV Ivlev, VI Molotkov, AM Lipaev, ...
New journal of physics 10 (3), 033036, 2008
Cold atmospheric plasma, a new strategy to induce senescence in melanoma cells
S Arndt, E Wacker, YF Li, T Shimizu, HM Thomas, GE Morfill, S Karrer, ...
Experimental dermatology 22 (4), 284-289, 2013
Gravity compensation in complex plasmas by application of a temperature gradient
H Rothermel, T Hagl, GE Morfill, MH Thoma, HM Thomas
Physical review letters 89 (17), 175001, 2002
Cold atmospheric plasma devices for medical issues
G Isbary, T Shimizu, YF Li, W Stolz, HM Thomas, GE Morfill, ...
Expert review of medical devices 10 (3), 367-377, 2013
The plasma condensation: Liquid and crystalline plasmas
GE Morfill, HM Thomas, U Konopka, M Zuzic
Physics of Plasmas 6 (5), 1769-1780, 1999
Cold atmospheric argon plasma treatment may accelerate wound healing in chronic wounds: Results of an open retrospective randomized controlled study in vivo
G Isbary, W Stolz, T Shimizu, R Monetti, W Bunk, HU Schmidt, GE Morfill, ...
Clinical Plasma Medicine 1 (2), 25-30, 2013
Three-dimensional strongly coupled plasma crystal under gravity conditions
M Zuzic, AV Ivlev, J Goree, GE Morfill, HM Thomas, H Rothermel, ...
Physical review letters 85 (19), 4064, 2000
Dynamics of lane formation in driven binary complex plasmas
KR Sütterlin, A Wysocki, AV Ivlev, C Räth, HM Thomas, M Rubin-Zuzic, ...
Physical review letters 102 (8), 085003, 2009
Structural analysis of a Coulomb lattice in a dusty plasma
RA Quinn, C Cui, J Goree, JB Pieper, H Thomas, GE Morfill
Physical Review E 53 (3), R2049, 1996
Direct observation of mode-coupling instability in two-dimensional plasma crystals
L Couëdel, V Nosenko, AV Ivlev, SK Zhdanov, HM Thomas, GE Morfill
Physical review letters 104 (19), 195001, 2010
Central collisions of charged dust particles in a plasma
U Konopka, L Ratke, HM Thomas
Physical review letters 79 (7), 1269, 1997
Plasma crystal
GE Morfill, H Thomas
Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology A: Vacuum, Surfaces, and Films 14 (2 …, 1996
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