Felix Claus Brodbeck
Felix Claus Brodbeck
Professor für Wirtschafts- und Organisationspsychologie, LMU München
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Culture specific and cross-culturally generalizable implicit leadership theories: Are attributes of charismatic/transformational leadership universally endorsed?
DN Den Hartog, RJ House, PJ Hanges, SA Ruiz-Quintanilla, PW Dorfman, ...
The Leadership Quarterly 10 (2), 219-256, 1999
Cultural influences on leadership and organizations: Project GLOBE
RJ House, PJ Hanges, SA Ruiz-Quintanilla, PW Dorfman, M Javidan, ...
Advances in global leadership 1 (2), 171-233, 1999
Culture and leadership across the world: The GLOBE book of in-depth studies of 25 societies
J Chhokar, FC Brodbeck, RJ House
Routledge, 2013
Cultural variation of leadership prototypes across 22 European countries
FC Brodbeck, M Frese, S Akerblom, G Audia, G Bakacsi, H Bendova, ...
Journal of occupational and organizational psychology 73 (1), 1-29, 2000
Leadership clarity and team innovation in health care
MA West, CS Borrill, JF Dawson, F Brodbeck, DA Shapiro, B Haward
The leadership quarterly 14 (4-5), 393-410, 2003
Group decision making under conditions of distributed knowledge: The information asymmetries model.
FC Brodbeck, R Kerschreiter, A Mojzisch, S Schulz-Hardt
Academy of Management Review 32 (2), 459-479, 2007
Group decision making in hidden profile situations: dissent as a facilitator for decision quality.
S Schulz-Hardt, FC Brodbeck, A Mojzisch, R Kerschreiter, D Frey
Journal of personality and social psychology 91 (6), 1080, 2006
Leadership and cultural variation: The identification of culturally endorsed leadership profiles
PW Dorfman, PJ Hanges, FC Brodbeck
Culture, leadership, and organizations: The GLOBE study of 62 (1), 669-719, 2004
Group diversity and group identification: The moderating role of diversity beliefs
R Van Dick, D Van Knippenberg, S Hägele, YRF Guillaume, FC Brodbeck
Human relations 61 (10), 1463-1492, 2008
The dissemination of critical, unshared information in decision‐making groups: The effects of pre‐discussion dissent
FC Brodbeck, R Kerschreiter, A Mojzisch, D Frey, S Schulz‐Hardt
European Journal of Social Psychology 32 (1), 35-56, 2002
Cross-border transfer of knowledge: Cultural lessons from Project GLOBE
M Javidan, GK Stahl, F Brodbeck, CPM Wilderom
Academy of Management Perspectives 19 (2), 59-76, 2005
National culture and leadership profiles in Europe: Some results from the GLOBE study
PL Koopman, DN Den Hartog, E Konrad, FC Brodbeck, et al
European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology 8 (4), 503-520, 1999
Leadership made in Germany: Low on compassion, high on performance
FC Brodbeck, M Frese, M Javidan
Academy of Management Perspectives 16 (1), 16-29, 2002
Bullying roles in changing contexts: The stability of victim and bully roles from primary to secondary school
M Schäfer, S Korn, F Brodbeck, D Wolke, H Schulz
International journal of behavioral development 29 (4), 323-335, 2005
Errors in training computer skills: On the positive function of errors
M Frese, F Brodbeck, T Heinbokel, C Mooser, E Schleiffenbaum, ...
Human-Computer Interaction 6 (1), 77-93, 1991
Ethical and unethical leadership: A cross-cultural and cross-sectoral analysis
SA Eisenbeiß, F Brodbeck
Journal of Business Ethics 122, 343-359, 2014
Surface‐and deep‐level dissimilarity effects on social integration and individual effectiveness related outcomes in work groups: A meta‐analytic integration
YRF Guillaume, FC Brodbeck, M Riketta
Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology 85 (1), 80-115, 2012
The influence of social identity and personality on outcomes of cultural diversity in teams
K Van Der Zee, N Atsma, F Brodbeck
Journal of cross-cultural psychology 35 (3), 283-303, 2004
The Germanic Europe cluster: Where employees have a voice
E Szabo, FC Brodbeck, DN Den Hartog, G Reber, J Weibler, R Wunderer
Journal of world business 37 (1), 55-68, 2002
Stressor‐burnout relationship in software development teams
S Sonnentag, FC Brodbeck, T Heinbokel, W Stolte
Journal of occupational and organizational psychology 67 (4), 327-341, 1994
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