Martin Krzywdzinski
Martin Krzywdzinski
WZB Berlin Social Science Center, Weizenbaum Institute, Helmut Schmidt University Hamburg
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Zitiert von
Changing east–west division of labour in the European automotive industry
U Jürgens, M Krzywdzinski
European Urban and Regional Studies 16 (1), 27-42, 2009
Automation, skill requirements and labour‐use strategies: high‐wage and low‐wage approaches to high‐tech manufacturing in the automotive industry
M Krzywdzinski
New technology, work and employment 32 (3), 247-267, 2017
Brave new digital work? New forms of performance control in crowdwork
C Gerber, M Krzywdzinski
Work and labor in the digital age 33, 121-143, 2019
Automation, digitalization, and changes in occupational structures in the automobile industry in Germany, Japan, and the United States: a brief history from the early 1990s …
M Krzywdzinski
Industrial and Corporate Change 30 (3), 499-535, 2021
New worlds of work: Varieties of work in car factories in the BRIC countries
U Jürgens, M Krzywdzinski
Oxford University Press, 2016
From lean production to Industrie 4.0: More autonomy for employees?
F Butollo, U Jürgens, M Krzywdzinski
Digitalization in industry: Between domination and emancipation, 61-80, 2019
The new digital workplace: How new technologies revolutionise work
K Briken, S Chillas, M Krzywdzinski, A Marks
Bloomsbury Publishing, 2017
Labour process theory and the new digital workplace
K Briken, S Chillas, M Krzywdzinski, A Marks
The new digital workplace. How new technologies revolutionise work, 1-17, 2017
Die neue Ost-West-arbeitsteilung: Arbeitsmodelle und industrielle beziehungen in der europäischen automobilindustrie
U Jürgens, M Krzywdzinski
Campus Verlag, 2010
Work models in the Central Eastern European car industry: towards the high road?
U Jürgens, M Krzywdzinski
Industrial Relations Journal 40 (6), 471-490, 2009
How the EU’s eastern enlargement changed the German productive model. The case of the automotive industry
M Krzywdzinski
Revue de la régulation. Capitalisme, institutions, pouvoirs, 2014
Changing work and employment relations in German industries-breaking away from the German model?
U Jürgens, M Krzywdzinski, C Teipen
DEU 2006, 54, 2006
Digital transformation and value chains: introduction
F Butollo, G Gereffi, C Yang, M Krzywdzinski
Global Networks 22 (4), 585-594, 2022
Digital manufacturing revolutions as political projects and hypes: evidences from the auto sector
T Pardi, M Krzywdzinski, B Lüthje
ILO Working Paper, 2020
Between automation and gamification: forms of labour control on crowdwork platforms
M Krzywdzinski, C Gerber
Work in the Global Economy 1 (1-2), 161-184, 2021
Globalisierungsdruck und Beschäftigungssicherung: Standortsicherungsvereinbarungen in der deutschen Automobilindustrie zwischen 1993 und 2006
U Jürgens, M Krzywdzinski
DEU 2006, 58, 2006
Breaking off from local bounds: human resource management practices of national players in the BRIC countries
U Jürgens, M Krzywdzinski
International Journal of Automotive Technology and Management 13 (2), 114-133, 2013
Von Lean Production zur Industrie 4.0. Mehr Autonomie für die Beschäftigten?
F Butollo, U Jürgens, M Krzywdzinski
Arbeits- und Industriesoziologische Studien 11 (2), 75-90, 2018
Relocation and East-West competition: the case of the European automotive industry
U Jurgens, M Krzywdzinski
International Journal of Automotive Technology and Management 8 (2), 145-169, 2008
Varieties of platform work. Platforms and social inequality in Germany and the United States
M Krzywdzinski, C Gerber
Weizenbaum Series, 2020
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