Dr. Shoaib Bakhtyar
Dr. Shoaib Bakhtyar
Volvo Cars
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Freight transport prediction using electronic waybills and machine learning
S Bakhtyar, L Henesey
Proceedings of 2014 International Conference on Informative and Cybernetics …, 2014
A Data Mining Based Method for Route and Freight Estimation
S Bakhtyar, J Holmgren
The 6th International Conference on Ambient Systems, Networks and …, 2015
Analysis of information synergy between e-Waybill solutions and Intelligent Transport
S Bakhtyar, J Holmgren, JA Persson
World Review of Intermodal Transportation Research 4 (2/3), 123–139, 2013
Technical Requirements of the e-Waybill Service
S Bakhtyar, J Holmgren, JA Persson
International Journal of Computer and Communication Engineering 5 (2), 130-140, 2016
A service description framework for intelligent transport systems: applied to intelligent goods
Å Jevinger, P Davidsson, JA Persson, G Mbiydzenyuy, S Bakhtyar
5th European Conference on ICT for Transport Logistics (ECITL), 2012
A Simulation Study of the Electronic Waybill Service
S Bakhtyar, G Mbiydzenyuy, L Henesey
9th IEEE European Modelling Symposium on Mathematical Modelling and Computer …, 2015
Achieving services when turning a waybill into an e-waybill
S Bakhtyar, JA Persson, J Holmgren
1st e-Freight Conference, München, 2011, 2011
CBD2: A functional biomarker database for colorectal cancer
X Zhang, M Li, S Ye, K Shen, H Yuan, S Bakhtyar, Q Peng, Y Liu, Y Wang, ...
Imeta 3 (1), e155, 2024
Designing Electronic Waybill Solutions for Road Freight Transport
S Bakhtyar
Blekinge Tekniska Högskola, 2016
A synergy based method for designing ITS services
S Bakhtyar, J Holmgren, JA Persson
International Journal of Advanced Logistics 2 (2), 45-54, 2013
On Improving Research Methodology Course at Blekinge Institute of Technology
S Bakhtyar, AN Ghazi
arXiv preprint arXiv:1704.06700, 2017
On Improving Research Methodology Course at Blekinge Institute of Technology, Shoaib Bakhtyar & Nauman Ghazi
S Bakhtyar
Lärarlärdom 2016, 40, 2016
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