Rupert Gatti
Rupert Gatti
Trinity College, Cambridge
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Online pricing and the euro changeover: Cross-country comparisons
MR Baye, J Morgan, R Gatti, P Kattuman
Available at SSRN 336044, 2002
Estimating firm-level demand at a price comparison site: accounting for shoppers and the number of competitors
M Baye, RJ Gatti, P Kattuman, J Morgan
The biodiversity bargaining problem
R Gatti, T Goeschl, B Groom, T Swanson
Environmental and Resource Economics 48, 609-628, 2011
Sufficiently secure peer-to-peer networks
R Gatti, S Lewis, A Ozment, T Rayna, A Serjantov
Workshop on the Economics of Information Security, 2004
Funding open access monographs: A coalition of libraries and publishers
R Gatti, M Mierowsky
College & Research Libraries News 77 (9), 456-459, 2016
Mapping the free ebook supply chain: Final report to the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation
C Watkinson, R Welzenbach, E Hellman, R Gatti, K Sonnenberg
Bibliodiversity in practice: Developing community-owned, open infrastructures to unleash open access publishing
L Barnes, R Gatti
ELPUB 2019 23rd edition of the International Conference on Electronic Publishing, 2019
Did the Euro Foster Online Price Competition
M Baye, R Gatti, P Kattuman, J Morgan
Evidence from an International Price Comparison Site. Indiana University, 2003
Business models and market structure within the scholarly communications sector
R Gatti
International Science Council, 2020
A note on the existence of Nash equilibrium in games with discontinuous payoffs
R Gatti
Cambridge Economics Working Paper No. CWPE 0510, 2005
The Biodiversity Bargaining Game
R Gatti, T Goeschl, B Groom, T Swanson
Cambridge Working Papers in Economics, 2004
WP5 Scoping report: Building an open dissemination system
G Stone, R Gatti, V van Gerven Oei, J Arias, T Steiner, E Ferwerda
Community-led Open Publication Infrastructures for Monographs (COPIM), 2020
Open access:‘We no longer need expensive publishing networks’
R Gatti
The Guardian, 2012
Outline Pricing and the Euro Changeover: Cross-Country Comparisons
P Kattuman, MR Baye, R Gatti, J Morgan
Royal Economic Society Annual Conference 2003, 2003
M Baye, R Gatti, P Kattuman, J Morgan
Online pricing and the euro changeover: Crosscountry comparisons …, 0
Academic Libraries and Open Access Books in Europe: A Landscape Study
A Morka, R Gatti
Future of Scholarly Communication: Forging an inclusive and innovative research infrastructure for scholarly communication in the social sciences and humanities
K Avanço, A Balula, M Błaszczyńska, A Buchner, L Caliman, C Clivaz, ...
Incentivizing Ecological Destruction-The Global Joint Regulation of the Conservation and Use of Genetic Resources
T Goeschl, R Gatti, B Groom, T Swanson
Ind. L. Rev. 38, 619, 2005
WP7 scoping report on archiving and preserving OA monographs
M Barnes, E Bell, G Cole, J Fry, R Gatti, G Stone
Loughborough University, 2022
Improving the reusability of JATS
J Beck, J Chodacki, A Eaton, M Evans, R Gatti, J Gilbert, M Harrison, ...
Journal Article Tag Suite Conference (JATS-Con) Proceedings 2015 [Internet], 2015
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