Anne K. Reitz
Anne K. Reitz
University of Greifswald
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What drives adult personality development? A comparison of theoretical perspectives and empirical evidence
J Specht, W Bleidorn, JJA Denissen, M Hennecke, R Hutteman, ...
European Journal of Personality 28 (3), 216-230, 2014
Developmental tasks as a framework to study personality development in adulthood and old age
R Hutteman, M Hennecke, U Orth, AK Reitz, J Specht
European Journal of Personality 28 (3), 267-278, 2014
How peers make a difference: The role of peer groups and peer relationships in personality development
AK Reitz, J Zimmermann, R Hutteman, J Specht, FJ Neyer
European journal of personality 28 (3), 279-288, 2014
Me, us, and them: Testing sociometer theory in a socially diverse real-life context.
AK Reitz, F Motti-Stefanidi, JB Asendorpf
Journal of personality and social psychology 110 (6), 908, 2016
Mastering developmental transitions in immigrant adolescents: The longitudinal interplay of family functioning, developmental and acculturative tasks.
AK Reitz, F Motti-Stefanidi, JB Asendorpf
Developmental Psychology 50 (3), 754, 2014
Antecedents, consequences, and mechanisms: On the longitudinal interplay between academic self‐enhancement and psychological adjustment
M Dufner, AK Reitz, L Zander
Journal of personality 83 (5), 511-522, 2015
Routinely randomize potential sources of measurement reactivity to estimate and adjust for biases in subjective reports.
RC Arslan, AK Reitz, JC Driebe, TM Gerlach, L Penke
Psychological Methods 26 (2), 175, 2021
Self‐esteem development and life events: A review and integrative process framework
AK Reitz
Social and Personality Psychology Compass 16 (11), e12709, 2022
Unraveling the complex relationship between work transitions and self-esteem and life satisfaction.
AK Reitz, M Luhmann, W Bleidorn, JJA Denissen
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 123 (3), 597, 2022
Self‐esteem change during the transition from university to work
AK Reitz, PE Shrout, JJA Denissen, M Dufner, N Bolger
Journal of Personality 88 (4), 689-702, 2020
When do immigrant adolescents feel personally discriminated against? Longitudinal effects of peer preference
AK Reitz, JB Asendorpf, F Motti-Stefanidi
International Journal of Behavioral Development 39 (3), 197-209, 2015
Is age more than a number? The role of openness and (non) essentialist beliefs about aging for how young or old people feel.
D Weiss, AK Reitz, Y Stephan
Psychology and Aging 34 (5), 729, 2019
Workplace violence, post-traumatic stress disorder symptoms, and personality
M Jankovic, JJ Sijtsema, AK Reitz, ED Masthoff, S Bogaerts
Personality and Individual Differences 168, 110410, 2021
Getting older, getting better? Toward understanding positive personality development across adulthood
AK Reitz, UM Staudinger
Personality development across the lifespan, 219-241, 2017
In good times and in bad: A longitudinal analysis of the impact of bereavement on self-esteem and life satisfaction in couples
A Reitz, A. K., Weidmann, R., Wünsche, J., Bühler, J. L., Burriss, R. P., Grob
European Journal of Personality, 2022
Personal narratives as a predictor of trait change and state fluctuations in self-esteem and life satisfaction during the transition from education to work
L van Doeselaar, AK Reitz
Identity 23 (1), 18-35, 2023
Daily fluctuations in occupation with and worry about COVID-19
GMA Lodder, S Van Halem, A Bülow, MA van Scheppingen, J Weller, ...
Personality and Individual Differences 182, 111078, 2021
Personality maturation through sense of mastery? Longitudinal evidence from two education‐to‐work transition studies
AK Reitz, L den Boer, MA van Scheppingen, K Diwan
Journal of Personality 92 (1), 261-277, 2024
Routinely randomise the display and order of items to estimate and adjust for biases in subjective reports
RC Arslan, AK Reitz, JC Driebe, TM Gerlach, L Penke
Temporal dynamics of interpersonal trust during the transition to parenthood
O Stavrova, AK Reitz, AM Evans
Journal of Research in Personality 97, 104188, 2022
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