Alessandro Torrisi
Alessandro Torrisi
Lead Data Scientist - Fletchers solicitors
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Cited by
Selecting discriminative CLBP patterns for age estimation
A Torrisi, GM Farinella, G Puglisi, S Battiato
2015 IEEE International Conference on Multimedia & Expo Workshops (ICMEW), 1-6, 2015
Random forests based WCE frames classification
G Gallo, A Torrisi
2012 25th IEEE International Symposium on Computer-Based Medical Systems …, 2012
Lumen detection in endoscopic images: a boosting classification approach
G Gallo, A Torrisi
International Journal On Advances in Intelligent Systems 5 (1), 2012
Automated bundle pagination using machine learning
A Torrisi, R Bevan, K Atkinson, D Bollegala, F Coenen
Proceedings of the Seventeenth International Conference on Artificial …, 2019
Exploiting social images to understand tourist behaviour
G Gallo, G Signorello, GM Farinella, A Torrisi
Image Analysis and Processing-ICIAP 2017: 19th International Conference …, 2017
Boosted wireless capsule endoscopy frames classification
G Gallo, A Torrisi
The Third International Conferences on Pervasive Patterns and Applications …, 2011
Information Theory based WCE video summarization
G Gallo, E Granata, A Torrisi
2010 20th International Conference on Pattern Recognition, 4198-4201, 2010
Exploring geo-tagged photos to assess spatial patterns of visitors in protected areas: the case of park of Etna (Italy)
G Signorello, GM Farinella, L Di Silvestro, A Torrisi, G Gallo
Mining Social Images to Analyze Routing Preferences in Tourist Areas.
A Torrisi, G Signorello, G Gallo, M De Salvo, GM Farinella
EnvirVis@ EuroVis, 61-65, 2015
Efficient and effective case reject-accept filtering: A study using machine learning
R Bevan, A Torrisi, K Atkinson, D Bollegala, F Coenen
Legal Knowledge and Information Systems, 171-175, 2018
Photorealistic true-dimensional visualization of remote panoramic views for VR headsets
S Livatino, A Regalbuto, G Morana, G Signorello, G Gallo, A Torrisi, ...
IEEE Access 11, 60305-60323, 2023
Extracting Supporting Evidence from Medical Negligence Claim Texts.
R Bevan, A Torrisi, D Bollegala, F Coenen, K Atkinson
KDH@ IJCAI, 50-54, 2019
3D Reconstruction and Augmented Reality in Bronchoscopic Intervention.
A Torrisi, S Livatino, G Gallo
Eurographics Italian Chapter Conference, 9-13, 2011
Combining textual and visual information for typed and handwritten text separation in legal documents
A Torrisi, R Bevan, K Atkinson, D Bollegala, F Coenen
Legal Knowledge and Information Systems, 223-228, 2019
Automatic Classification of Legal Textual Documents using C4. 5
L Di Silvestro, D Spampinato, A Torrisi
Ittig 2009, 0
Automatic pattern classification and stereoscopic vision in medical imaging
AF Torrisi
Università degli studi di Catania, 2012
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Articles 1–16