Michael Dunn
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Mapping the origins and expansion of the Indo-European language family
R Bouckaert, P Lemey, M Dunn, SJ Greenhill, AV Alekseyenko, ...
Science 337 (6097), 957-960, 2012
Evolved structure of language shows lineage-specific trends in word-order universals
M Dunn, SJ Greenhill, SC Levinson, RD Gray
Nature 473 (7345), 79-82, 2011
Structural phylogenetics and the reconstruction of ancient language history
M Dunn, A Terrill, G Reesink, RA Foley, SC Levinson
Science 309 (5743), 2072, 2005
A grammar of Chukchi
MJ Dunn
Australian National University University, 1999
Ancient genomes link early farmers from Atapuerca in Spain to modern-day Basques
T Günther, C Valdiosera, H Malmström, I Ureña, R Rodriguez-Varela, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 112 (38), 11917-11922, 2015
Evolutionary dynamics of language systems
SJ Greenhill, CH Wu, X Hua, M Dunn, SC Levinson, RD Gray
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 114 (42), E8822-E8829, 2017
Structural phylogeny in historical linguistics: methodological explorations applied in Island Melanesia
G Reesink, A Terrill, E Lindström, M Dunn, SC Levinson
Language 84 (4), 710-759, 2009
Language phylogenies
M Dunn
The Routledge handbook of historical linguistics, 190-211, 2015
Explaining the linguistic diversity of Sahul using population models
G Reesink, R Singer, M Dunn
PLoS biology 7 (11), e1000241, 2009
A Bayesian phylogenetic study of the Dravidian language family
V Kolipakam, FM Jordan, M Dunn, SJ Greenhill, R Bouckaert, RD Gray, ...
Royal Society open science 5 (3), 171504, 2018
Semantic systems in closely related languages
A Majid, F Jordan, M Dunn
Language sciences 49, 1-18, 2015
Toward a mechanistic understanding of linguistic diversity
MC Gavin, CA Botero, C Bowern, RK Colwell, M Dunn, RR Dunn, ...
BioScience 63 (7), 524-535, 2013
The East Papuan languages: A preliminary typological appraisal
M Dunn, G Reesink, A Terrill
Oceanic Linguistics, 28-62, 2002
Genetic and linguistic coevolution in Northern Island Melanesia
K Hunley, M Dunn, E Lindström, G Reesink, A Terrill, ME Healy, G Koki, ...
PLoS genetics 4 (10), e1000239, 2008
Grambank reveals the importance of genealogical constraints on linguistic diversity and highlights the impact of language loss
H Skirgård, HJ Haynie, DE Blasi, H Hammarström, J Collins, JJ Latarche, ...
Science Advances 9 (16), eadg6175, 2023
Demonstratives in cross-linguistic perspective
SC Levinson, S Cutfield, MJ Dunn, NJ Enfield, S Meira
Cambridge University Press, 2018
Aslian linguistic prehistory: A case study in computational phylogenetics
M Dunn, N Burenhult, N Kruspe, S Tufvesson, N Becker
Diachronica 28 (3), 291-323, 2011
Dative sickness: A phylogenetic analysis of argument structure evolution in Germanic
M Dunn, TK Dewey, C Arnett, T Eythórsson, J Barðdal
Language 93 (1), e1-e22, 2017
Time and place in the prehistory of the Aslian languages
M Dunn, N Kruspe, N Burenhult
Human Biology 85 (1/3), 383-400, 2013
Statistical reasoning in the evaluation of typological diversity in Island Melanesia
M Dunn, R Foley, S Levinson, G Reesink, A Terrill
Oceanic Linguistics, 388-403, 2007
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