Ion Petre
Ion Petre
Professor of Mathematics, University of Turku, Finland
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Computation in living cells: gene assembly in ciliates
A Ehrenfeucht, T Harju, I Petre, D Prescott, G Rozenberg
Springer, 2004
Controlling directed protein interaction networks in cancer
K Kanhaiya, E Czeizler, C Gratie, I Petre
Scientific reports 7 (1), 10327, 2017
Formal systems for gene assembly in ciliates
A Ehrenfeucht, T Harju, I Petre, DM Prescott, G Rozenberg
Theoretical Computer Science 292 (1), 199-219, 2003
A simple mass-action model for the eukaryotic heat shock response and its mathematical validation
I Petre, A Mizera, CL Hyder, A Meinander, A Mikhailov, RI Morimoto, ...
Natural Computing 10, 595-612, 2011
Parikh matrices and amiable words
A Atanasiu, R Atanasiu, I Petre
Theoretical Computer Science 390 (1), 102-109, 2008
Reaction system models for the heat shock response
S Azimi, B Iancu, I Petre
Fundamenta Informaticae 131 (3-4), 299-312, 2014
String and graph reduction systems for gene assembly in ciliates
A Ehrenfeucht, I Petre, DM Prescott, G Rozenberg
Mathematical Structures in Computer Science 12 (2), 113-134, 2002
Universal and simple operations for gene assembly in ciliates
A Ehrenfeucht, I Petre, DM Prescott, G Rozenberg
Where Mathematics, Computer Science, Linguistics and Biology Meet: Essays in …, 2001
Structural target controllability of linear networks
E Czeizler, KC Wu, C Gratie, K Kanhaiya, I Petre
IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics 15 (4 …, 2018
Algebraic systems and pushdown automata
I Petre, A Salomaa
Handbook of Weighted Automata, 257-289, 2009
Conway's problem for three-word sets
J Karhumäki, I Petre
Theoretical Computer Science 289 (1), 705-725, 2002
Tailored approaches in drug development and diagnostics: from molecular design to biological model systems
C Sahlgren, A Meinander, H Zhang, F Cheng, M Preis, C Xu, TA Salminen, ...
Advanced Healthcare Materials 6 (21), 1700258, 2017
Dependency graphs and mass conservation in reaction systems
S Azimi, C Gratie, S Ivanov, I Petre
Theoretical Computer Science 598, 23-39, 2015
Parallelism in gene assembly
T Harju, C Li, I Petre, G Rozenberg
Natural Computing 5, 203-223, 2006
Characterizing the micronuclear gene patterns in ciliates
A Ehrenfeucht, T Harju, I Petre, G Rozenberg
Theory of Computing Systems 35, 501-519, 2002
Commutation with codes
J Karhumäki, M Latteux, I Petre
Theoretical computer science 340 (2), 322-333, 2005
Circularity and other invariants of gene assembly in ciliates
A Ehrenfeucht, I Petre, DM Prescott, G Rozenberg
Words, Semigroups, And Transductions: Festschrift in Honor of Gabriel …, 2001
Complexity of model checking for reaction systems
S Azimi, C Gratie, S Ivanov, L Manzoni, I Petre, AE Porreca
Theoretical Computer Science 623, 103-113, 2016
A normal form for P-systems
I Petre
Bulletin of the EATCS 67, 165-172, 1999
Reaction systems: a model of computation inspired by the functioning of the living cell
A Ehrenfeucht, I Petre, G Rozenberg
The role of theory in computer science: Essays dedicated to Janusz …, 2017
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