Matthias Graf
Matthias Graf
Helmholtz Center Geesthacht
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Suppression of Hydrogen Evolution in Acidic Electrolytes by Electrochemical CO2 Reduction
CJ Bondue, M Graf, A Goyal, MTM Koper
Journal of the American Chemical Society 143 (1), 279-285, 2020
Metamaterial emitter for thermophotovoltaics stable up to 1400 C
M Chirumamilla, GV Krishnamurthy, K Knopp, T Krekeler, M Graf, D Jalas, ...
Scientific reports 9 (1), 7241, 2019
Silver-rich clusters in nanoporous gold
T Krekeler, AV Straßer, M Graf, K Wang, C Hartig, M Ritter, J Weissmüller
Materials Research Letters 5 (5), 314-321, 2017
Electrocatalytic methanol oxidation with nanoporous gold: Microstructure and selectivity
M Graf, M Haensch, J Carstens, G Wittstock, J Weissmüller
Nanoscale 9 (45), 17839-17848, 2017
Nanoporous gold by alloy corrosion: Method-structure-property relationships
M Graf, B Roschning, J Weissmüller
Journal of The Electrochemical Society 164 (4), C194, 2017
Experimental evidence for nonthermal contributions to plasmon-enhanced electrochemical oxidation reactions
M Rodio, M Graf, F Schulz, NS Mueller, M Eich, H Lange
ACS catalysis 10 (3), 2345-2353, 2020
Surface-to-volume ratio drives photoelelectron injection from nanoscale gold into electrolyte
M Graf, D Jalas, J Weissmüller, AY Petrov, M Eich
ACS catalysis 9 (4), 3366-3374, 2019
Direct and broadband plasmonic charge transfer to enhance water oxidation on a gold electrode
M Graf, GB Vonbun-Feldbauer, MTM Koper
ACS nano 15 (2), 3188-3200, 2021
Mass transport in porous electrodes studied by scanning electrochemical microscopy–example of nanoporous gold
M Haensch, L Balboa, M Graf, AR Silva Olaya, J Weissmüller, G Wittstock
ChemElectroChem, 2019
X-ray studies of nanoporous gold: Powder diffraction by large crystals with small holes
M Graf, BND Ngô, J Weissmüller, J Markmann
Physical review materials 1 (7), 076003, 2017
Thermally Driven Ag–Au Compositional Changes at the Ligament Surface in Nanoporous Gold: Implications for Electrocatalytic Applications
M Haensch, M Graf, W Wang, A Nefedov, C Wöll, J Weissmüller, ...
ACS applied nano materials 3 (3), 2197-2206, 2020
Measurement of local crystal lattice strain variations in dealloyed nanoporous gold
C Mahr, K Müller-Caspary, M Graf, A Lackmann, T Grieb, M Schowalter, ...
Materials Research Letters 6 (1), 84-92, 2018
Dealloying progress during nanoporous structure evolution analyzed by in situ resistometry
EM Steyskal, M Seidl, M Graf, R Würschum
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 19 (44), 29880-29885, 2017
Surface influences on the electrodiffusive behavior in mesoporous templates
M Graf, J Poppe, A Eychmüller
Small 11 (26), 3174-3182, 2015
Photopolymerization as Alternative Concept for Synthesis of Poly(N‐isopropylacrylamide)‐Clay Nanocomposite Hydrogels
B Ferse, M Graf, F Krahl, KF Arndt
Macromolecular Symposia 306 (1), 59-66, 2011
Nanowire filled polymer films for 3D system integration
M Graf, K Meier, V Haehnel, H Schlörb, A Eychmüller, KJ Wolter
2011 IEEE International Interconnect Technology Conference, 1-3, 2011
High aspect-ratio metallic nanowires by pulsed electrodeposition
M Graf, A Eychmliller, KJ Wolter
Nanoe/ectronie Device Applications Handbook 1, 633-643, 2013
Template-Assisted Electrodeposition of Metallic nanowires and their Application in Electronic Packaging
M Graf
High aspect ratio metallic nanowire arrays by pulsed electrodeposition
M Graf, A Eychmüller, KJ Wolter
2011 11th IEEE International Conference on Nanotechnology, 181-186, 2011
Size dependent absorption and hot electron emission from nanoporous gold
AY Petrov, M Graf, M Arya, M Eich
2020 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO), 1-2, 2020
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