Julian Klaus
Julian Klaus
Department of Geography, University of Bonn
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Hydrograph separation using stable isotopes: Review and evaluation
J Klaus, JJ McDonnell
Journal of hydrology 505, 47-64, 2013
Recent climate trends and implications for water resources in the Catskill Mountain region, New York, USA
DA Burns, J Klaus, MR McHale
Journal of Hydrology 336 (1-2), 155-170, 2007
Ecohydrological interfaces as hotspots of ecosystem processes
S Krause, J Lewandowski, NB Grimm, DM Hannah, G Pinay, K McDonald, ...
Ecohydrological Interfaces, 1-28, 2024
Ideas and perspectives: Tracing terrestrial ecosystem water fluxes using hydrogen and oxygen stable isotopes–challenges and opportunities from an interdisciplinary perspective
D Penna, L Hopp, F Scandellari, ST Allen, P Benettin, M Beyer, J Geris, ...
Biogeosciences 15 (21), 6399-6415, 2018
Analysis of long-term stable isotopic composition in German precipitation
C Stumpp, J Klaus, W Stichler
Journal of Hydrology 517, 351-361, 2014
Bedrock geology controls on catchment storage, mixing, and release: A comparative analysis of 16 nested catchments
L Pfister, N Martínez‐Carreras, C Hissler, J Klaus, GE Carrer, MK Stewart, ...
Hydrological Processes 31 (10), 1828-1845, 2017
Macropore flow of old water revisited: experimental insights from a tile-drained hillslope
J Klaus, E Zehe, M Elsner, C Külls, JJ McDonnell
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 17 (1), 103-118, 2013
Linking spatial earthworm distribution to macropore numbers and hydrological effectiveness
L Van Schaik, J Palm, J Klaus, E Zehe, B Schröder
Ecohydrology 7 (2), 401-408, 2014
Where does streamwater come from in low-relief forested watersheds? A dual-isotope approach
J Klaus, JJ McDonnell, CR Jackson, E Du, NA Griffiths
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 19 (1), 125-135, 2015
Temporal dynamics of catchment transit times from stable isotope data
J Klaus, KP Chun, KJ McGuire, JJ McDonnell
Water Resources Research 51 (6), 4208-4223, 2015
Transit time estimation in catchments: Recent developments and future directions
P Benettin, NB Rodriguez, M Sprenger, M Kim, J Klaus, CJ Harman, ...
Water Resources Research 58 (11), e2022WR033096, 2022
On the value of surface saturated area dynamics mapped with thermal infrared imagery for modeling the hillslope‐riparian‐stream continuum
B Glaser, J Klaus, S Frei, J Frentress, L Pfister, L Hopp
Water Resources Research 52 (10), 8317-8342, 2016
Modelling rapid flow response of a tile‐drained field site using a 2D physically based model: Assessment of ‘equifinal’model setups
J Klaus, E Zehe
Hydrological Processes 24 (12), 1595-1609, 2010
Time‐Varying Storage–Water Age Relationships in a Catchment with a Mediterranean Climate
NB Rodriguez, KJ McGuire, J Klaus
Water Resources Research 54, 2018
Interflow is not binary: A continuous shallow perched layer does not imply continuous connectivity
J Klaus, CR Jackson
Water Resources Research 54 (9), 5921-5932, 2018
Storage controls on the generation of double peak hydrographs in a forested headwater catchment
N Martínez-Carreras, C Hissler, L Gourdol, J Klaus, J Juilleret, JF Iffly, ...
Journal of Hydrology 543, 255-269, 2016
Interflow dynamics on a low relief forested hillslope: Lots of fill, little spill
E Du, CR Jackson, J Klaus, JJ McDonnell, NA Griffiths, MF Williamson, ...
Journal of Hydrology 534, 648-658, 2016
A novel explicit approach to model bromide and pesticide transport in connected soil structures
J Klaus, E Zehe
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 15 (7), 2127-2144, 2011
Catchment travel times from composite storage selection functions representing the superposition of streamflow generation processes
NB Rodriguez, J Klaus
Water Resources Research 55 (11), 9292-9314, 2019
Bridging the gap between numerical solutions of travel time distributions and analytical storage selection functions
M Danesh‐Yazdi, J Klaus, LE Condon, RM Maxwell
Hydrological Processes 32 (8), 1063-1076, 2018
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