Sven Overhage
Sven Overhage
Chair of Industrial Information Systems, University of Bamberg
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The impact of social commerce feature richness on website stickiness through cognitive and affective factors: An experimental study
T Friedrich, S Schlauderer, S Overhage
Electronic Commerce Research and Applications 36, 100861, 2019
Towards an engineering approach to component adaptation
S Becker, A Brogi, I Gorton, S Overhage, A Romanovsky, M Tivoli
Architecting Systems with Trustworthy Components: International Seminar …, 2006
Performance prediction of component-based systems: A survey from an engineering perspective
S Becker, L Grunske, R Mirandola, S Overhage
Architecting Systems with Trustworthy Components: International Seminar …, 2006
Ws-specification: Specifying web services using uddi improvements
S Overhage, P Thomas
Net. ObjectDays: International Conference on Object-Oriented and Internet …, 2002
More than a feeling: Investigating the contagious effect of facial emotional expressions on investment decisions in reward-based crowdfunding
M Raab, S Schlauderer, S Overhage, T Friedrich
Decision Support Systems 135, 113326, 2020
Quality marks, metrics, and measurement procedures for business process models: the 3QM-framework
S Overhage, DQ Birkmeier, S Schlauderer
Business & Information Systems Engineering 4, 229-246, 2012
Vereinheitlichte Spezifikation von Fachkomponenten-Memorandum des Arbeitskreises 5.10. 3 Komponentenorientierte betriebliche Anwendungssysteme
J Ackermann, F Brinkop, S Conrad, P Fettke, A Frick, E Glistau, H Jaekel, ...
wi2. wiso. uni-augsburg. de/gi-memorandum. php. htm, access date, 05-10, 2002
Investigating the long-term acceptance of agile methodologies: An empirical study of developer perceptions in scrum projects
S Overhage, S Schlauderer
2012 45th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, 5452-5461, 2012
An empirical comparison of the usability of BPMN and UML activity diagrams for business users
DQ Birkmeier, S Kloeckner, S Overhage
What makes IT personnel adopt scrum? A framework of drivers and inhibitors to developer acceptance
S Overhage, S Schlauderer, D Birkmeier, J Miller
2011 44th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, 1-10, 2011
On component identification approaches–classification, state of the art, and comparison
D Birkmeier, S Overhage
International symposium on component-based software engineering, 1-18, 2009
Towards a capability model for big data analytics
C Dremel, S Overhage, S Schlauderer, J Wulf
Classifying software component interoperability errors to support component adaption
S Becker, S Overhage, RH Reussner
International Symposium on Component-Based Software Engineering, 68-83, 2004
Some things are just better rich: how social commerce feature richness affects consumers’ buying intention via social factors
T Friedrich, S Schlauderer, S Overhage
Electronic Markets 31, 159-180, 2021
Is the frontier shifting into the right direction? A qualitative analysis of acceptance factors for novel firefighter information technologies
J Weidinger, S Schlauderer, S Overhage
Information Systems Frontiers 20, 669-692, 2018
Standardized specification of business components
J Ackermann, F Brinkop, S Conrad, P Fettke, A Frick, E Glistau, H Jaekel, ...
German Society of Informatics, 2002
Alignment of business and it architectures in the german federal government: A systematic method to identify services from business processes
DQ Birkmeier, A Gehlert, S Overhage, S Schlauderer
2013 46th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, 3848-3857, 2013
Towards a systematic method for identifying business components
A Albani, S Overhage, D Birkmeier
Component-Based Software Engineering: 11th International Symposium, CBSE …, 2008
UnSCom: a standardized framework for the specification of software components
S Overhage
Net. ObjectDays: International Conference on Object-Oriented and Internet …, 2004
Widely used but also highly valued? Acceptance factors and their perceptions in water-scrum-fall projects
S Schlauderer, S Overhage, B Fehrenbach
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