Supiandi Sabiham
Supiandi Sabiham
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An estimation of above ground tree biomass of a mangrove forest in East Sumatra, Indonesia.
C Kusmana, S Sabiham
Tropics 1 (4), 243-257, 1992
Lahan Gambut
M Noor, IHS Sabiham
Pengembangan, Konservasi Dan Perubahan, 2010
Methane flux from Indonesian wetland rice: the effects of water management and rice variety
YA Husin, D Murdiyarso, MAK Khalil, RA Rasmussen, MJ Shearer, ...
Chemosphere 31 (4), 3153-3180, 1995
Environmental dynamics and carbon accumulation rate of a tropical peatland in Central Sumatra, Indonesia
KA Hapsari, S Biagioni, TC Jennerjahn, PM Reimer, A Saad, Y Achnopha, ...
Quaternary Science Reviews 169, 173-187, 2017
Drained inland organic soils
M Drösler, LV Verchot, G Pan, A Freibauer, CD Evans, RA Bourbonniere, ...
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), 2013
Conservation slows down emission increase from a tropical peatland in Indonesia
CS Deshmukh, D Julius, AR Desai, A Asyhari, SE Page, N Nardi, ...
Nature Geoscience 14 (7), 484-490, 2021
Analisis keberlanjutan wilayah perbatasan Kalimantan Barat-Malaysia untuk pengembangan kawasan agropolitan
M Thamrin, C Herison, S Sabiham
Jurnal Agro Ekonomi 25 (2), 103-124, 2007
Pengelolaan ekosistem mangrove secara berkelanjutan dan berbasis masyarakat
C Kusmana, S Sabiham, K Abe, H Watanabe
Makalah disampaikan pada Lokakarya Nasional Pengelolaan Ekosistem Mangrove …, 2002
8000 years of vegetation dynamics and environmental changes of a unique inland peat ecosystem of the Jambi Province in Central Sumatra, Indonesia
S Biagioni, V Krashevska, Y Achnopha, A Saad, S Sabiham, H Behling
Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 440, 813-829, 2015
Pengelolaan lahan gambut untuk pengembangan kelapa sawit di Indonesia
S Sabiham, S Sukarman
Jurnal Sumberdaya Lahan 6 (2), 133402, 2012
Resilience of a peatland in Central Sumatra, Indonesia to past anthropogenic disturbance: Improving conservation and restoration designs using palaeoecology
KA Hapsari, S Biagioni, TC Jennerjahn, P Reimer, A Saad, S Sabiham, ...
Journal of Ecology 106 (6), 2473-2490, 2018
Impact of forest plantation on methane emissions from tropical peatland
CS Deshmukh, D Julius, CD Evans, Nardi, AP Susanto, SE Page, V Gauci, ...
Global Change Biology 26 (4), 2477-2495, 2020
Properties of Indonesian peat in relation to the chemistry of carbon emission.
S Sabiham
Analisis Keberlanjutan Perkebunan Kakao Rakyat di Kawasan Perbatasan Pulau Sebatik, Kabupaten Nunukan, Provinsi Kalimantan Timur
M Hidayanto, S Supiandi, S Yahya, LI Amien
Jurnal Agro Ekonomi 27 (2), 213-229, 2009
Importance of CO2 production in subsoil layers of drained tropical peatland under mature oil palm plantation
S Marwanto, S Sabiham, S Funakawa
Soil and Tillage Research 186, 206-213, 2019
Root respiration interferes with peat CO2 emission measurement
F Agus, E Handayani, M Van Noordwijk, K Idris, S Sabiham
19th world congress of soil science, Soil Solutions for a Changing World 16, 2010
Sifat-sifat tanah dominan yang berpengaruh terhadap K tersedia pada tanah-tanah yang didominasi smektit
D Nursyamsi, K Idris, S Sabiham, DA Rachim, A Sofyan
Jurnal Tanah dan Iklim 26, 13-28, 2007
Kadar air kritik Gambut Kalimantan Tengah dalam kaitannya dengan kejadian kering tidak-balik
S Sabiham
J. Tanah Trop 11, 21-30, 2000
Phenolic acid in Indonesian peat
S Sabiham, TB Prasetyo, S Dohong
Rieley and Page (Eds), 289-292, 1997
Pengelolaan lahan gambut Indonesia berbasis keunikan ekosistem
S Sabiham
(No Title), 2006
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Articles 1–20