Julia Eberle
Julia Eberle
Digital Learning Research Group, Paris Lodron University Salzburg
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Scientific reasoning and argumentation: advancing an interdisciplinary research agenda in education.
F Fischer, I Kollar, S Ufer, B Sodian, H Hussmann, R Pekrun, B Neuhaus, ...
Frontline Learning Research 2 (3), 28-45, 2014
The lonely struggle with autonomy: A case study of first-year university students’ experiences during emergency online teaching
J Eberle, J Hobrecht
Computers in Human Behavior 121, 106804, 2021
Legitimate peripheral participation in communities of practice: Participation support structures for newcomers in faculty student councils
J Eberle, K Stegmann, F Fischer
Journal of the Learning Sciences 23 (2), 216-244, 2014
Nachwuchsmangel in der medizinischen Forschung. Wie kann der ärztliche Forschernachwuchs besser gefördert werden?
N Epstein, M Pfeiffer, J Eberle, L von Kotzebue, T Martius, D Lachmann, ...
Beiträge zur Hochschulforschung 38 (1-2), 2016
Apprenticeship learning
J Eberle
International handbook of the learning sciences, 44-53, 2018
Initiating scientific collaborations across career levels and disciplines–a network analysis on behavioral data
J Eberle, K Stegmann, A Barrat, F Fischer, K Lund
International Journal of Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning 16 (2 …, 2021
Regulations and practices of structured doctoral education in the life sciences in Germany
D Lachmann, T Martius, J Eberle, M Landmann, L von Kotzebue, ...
PloS one 15 (7), e0233415, 2020
Future learning spaces for learning communities: Perspectives from the learning sciences.
J Eberle, Y Hod, F Fischer
Br. J. Educ. Technol. 50 (5), 2071-2074, 2019
Grand Challenge Problems in Technology-Enhanced Learning II: MOOCs and Beyond: Perspectives for Research, Practice, and Policy Making Developed at the Alpine Rendez-Vous in …
J Eberle, K Lund, P Tchounikine, F Fischer
Springer, 2015
The role of scholarly identity and basic needs support during doctoral studies on career aspirations of early career scientists
JS Meuleners, BJ Neuhaus, J Eberle
Studies in Higher Education 48 (12), 1952-1965, 2023
Taking responsibility to support knowledge building: A constructive entanglement of spaces and ideas
Y Hod, C Yaari, J Eberle
British Journal of Educational Technology 50 (5), 2129-2143, 2019
FoSWE–Eine Kurzskala zur Erfassung forschungsbezogener Selbstwirksamkeitserwartung
D Lachmann, N Epstein, J Eberle
Zeitschrift für Pädagogische Psychologie, 2018
Moving beyond case studies: Applying social network analysis to study learning-as-participation
J Eberle, K Stegmann, F Fischer
Learning: Research and Practice 1 (2), 100-112, 2015
Evaluation of structured doctoral training programs in German life sciences: how much do such programs address hurdles faced by doctoral candidates?
JS Meuleners, WJ Boone, MR Fischer, BJ Neuhaus, J Eberle
Frontiers in Education 8, 930283, 2023
Finding collaboration partners in a scientific community: The role of cognitive group awareness, career level, and disciplinary background collaboration and integration of …
J Eberle, K Stegmann, F Fischer, A Barrat, K Lund
The 12th International Conference on Computer Supported Collaborative …, 2017
Differential Effects of a Script and a Group Awareness Tool on the Acquisition of Collaboration Skills
S Strauß, I Tunnigkeit, J Eberle, L vom Bovert, A Avdullahu, ...
Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Computer-Supported …, 2023
Basic Needs Support and Achievement Emotions in Daily Research of Life Scientists Considering Academic Positions
JS Meuleners, BJ Neuhaus, J Eberle
Frontiers in Education, 506, 2022
Fostering Learning and Collaboration in a Scientific Community-Evidence from an Experiment Using RFID Devices to Measure Collaborative Processes
J Eberle, K Stegmann, K Lund, A Barrat, M Sailer, F Fischer
International Society of the Learning Sciences, 2013
Legitimate Peripheral Participation in Academic Communities of Practice –How Newcomers' Learning is Supported in Student Councils
J Eberle, K Stegmann, F Fischer
International Society of the Learning Sciences (ISLS), 2012
Comparing the effects of a collaboration script and collaborative reflection on promoting knowledge about good collaboration and effective interaction
S Strauß, I Tunnigkeit, J Eberle, A Avdullahu, N Rummel
International Journal of Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning, 1-39, 2024
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