James H. Nebelsick
James H. Nebelsick
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The warm temperate carbonate province: a review of the facies, zonations, and delimitations
C Betzler, TC Brachert, J Nebelsick
Courier Forschungsinstitut Senckenberg 201 (201), 83-99, 1997
Larger foraminifera from the Upper Oligocene of the Venetian area, north‐east Italy
D Bassi, L Hottinger, JH Nebelsick
Palaeontology 50 (4), 845-868, 2007
Facies dynamics in Eocene to Oligocene circumalpine carbonates
JH Nebelsick, MW Rasser, D Bassi
Facies 51, 197-217, 2005
Components, facies and ramps: redefining Upper Oligocene shallow water carbonates using coralline red algae and larger foraminifera (Venetian area, northeast Italy)
D Bassi, JH Nebelsick
Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 295 (1-2), 258-280, 2010
Drilling predation on recent clypeasteroid echinoids from the Red Sea
JH Nebelsick, M Kowalewski
Palaios, 127-144, 1999
Diversity, growth forms and taphonomy: key factors controlling the fabric of coralline algae dominated shelf carbonates
JH Nebelsick, D Bassi
Geological Society, London, Special Publications 178 (1), 89-107, 2000
Palaeogene and Neogene
MW Rasser, M Harzhauser, OY Anistratenko, VV Anistratenko, D Bassi, ...
Echinoid distribution by fragment identification in the Northern Bay of Safaga, Red Sea, Egypt
JH Nebelsick
Palaios, 316-328, 1992
The encrustation of fossil and recent sea‐urchin tests: ecological and taphonomic significance
JH Nebelsick, B Schmid, M Stachowitsch
Lethaia 30 (4), 271-284, 1997
Echinoid assemblages as a tool for palaeoenvironmental reconstruction–an example from the Early Miocene of Egypt
A Kroh, JH Nebelsick
Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 201 (1-2), 157-177, 2003
The stormy path from life to death assemblages: the formation and preservation of mass accumulations of fossil sand dollars
JH Nebelsick, A Kroh
Palaios 17 (4), 378-393, 2002
Present-day and fossil rhodolith pavements compared: their potential for analysing shallow-water carbonate deposits
D Bassi, JH Nebelsick, A Checconi, J Hohenegger, Y Iryu
Sedimentary Geology 214 (1-4), 74-84, 2009
Predation on recent and fossil echinoids
M Kowalewski, JH Nebelsick
Predator—Prey Interactions in the Fossil Record, 279-302, 2003
Tracking paleoenvironmental changes in coralline algal-dominated carbonates of the Lower Oligocene Calcareniti di Castelgomberto formation (Monti Berici, Italy)
JH Nebelsick, D Bassi, J Lempp
Facies 59, 133-148, 2013
Echinoderms and Oligo‐Miocene carbonate systems: potential applications in sedimentology and environmental reconstruction
A Kroh, JH Nebelsick
Carbonate Systems during the Oligocene–Miocene Climatic Transition, 201-228, 2012
Echinoderm ichnology: bioturbation, bioerosion and related processes
Z Belaústegui, F Muñiz, JH Nebelsick, R Domènech, J Martinell
Journal of Paleontology 91 (4), 643-661, 2017
Calcareous algae from the lower Oligocene Gornji Grad beds of northern Slovenia
D Bassi, JH Nebelsick
Rivista Italiana di Paleontologia e Stratigrafia 106 (1), 2000
Biodiversity of shallow-water Red Sea echinoids: implications for the fossil record
JH Nebelsick
Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom 76 (1 …, 1996
The northern bay of Safaga (Red Sea, Egypt): an actuopalaeontological approach. III Distribution of Echinoids
JH Nebelsick
Beiträge zur Paläontologie von Österreich 17, 5-79, 1992
Experimental decay and disarticulation of Ophiura texturata: implications for the fossil record of ophiuroids
TJV Kerr, RJ Twitchett, T Heinzeller, JH Nebelsick
Echinoderms: München. Balkema, Rotterdam, 439-446, 2004
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