Tanja Endrass
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Neural correlates of error awareness
TA Klein, T Endrass, N Kathmann, J Neumann, DY Von Cramon, ...
Neuroimage 34 (4), 1774-1781, 2007
Neural mechanisms and temporal dynamics of performance monitoring
M Ullsperger, AG Fischer, R Nigbur, T Endrass
Trends in cognitive sciences 18 (5), 259-267, 2014
ERP correlates of conscious error recognition: aware and unaware errors in an antisaccade task
T Endrass, B Reuter, N Kathmann
European Journal of Neuroscience 26 (6), 1714-1720, 2007
Abnormally high degree connectivity of the orbitofrontal cortex in obsessive-compulsive disorder
JC Beucke, J Sepulcre, T Talukdar, C Linnman, K Zschenderlein, ...
JAMA psychiatry 70 (6), 619-629, 2013
Overactive performance monitoring in obsessive-compulsive disorder: ERP evidence from correct and erroneous reactions
T Endrass, J Klawohn, F Schuster, N Kathmann
Neuropsychologia 46 (7), 1877-1887, 2008
Overactive error-related brain activity as a candidate endophenotype for obsessive-compulsive disorder: evidence from unaffected first-degree relatives
A Riesel, T Endrass, C Kaufmann, N Kathmann
American Journal of Psychiatry 168 (3), 317-324, 2011
Performance monitoring and error significance in patients with obsessive-compulsive disorder
T Endrass, B Schuermann, C Kaufmann, R Spielberg, R Kniesche, ...
Biological Psychology 84 (2), 257-263, 2010
The ERN is the ERN is the ERN? Convergent validity of error-related brain activity across different tasks
A Riesel, A Weinberg, T Endrass, A Meyer, G Hajcak
Biological psychology 93 (3), 377-385, 2013
Punishment has a lasting impact on error‐related brain activity
A Riesel, A Weinberg, T Endrass, N Kathmann, G Hajcak
Psychophysiology 49 (2), 239-247, 2012
Addiction Research Consortium: Losing and regaining control over drug intake (ReCoDe)—From trajectories to mechanisms and interventions
A Heinz, F Kiefer, MN Smolka, T Endrass, C Beste, A Beck, S Liu, ...
Addiction Biology 25 (2), e12866, 2020
Error awareness in a saccade countermanding task
T Endrass, C Franke, N Kathmann
Journal of Psychophysiology 19 (4), 275-280, 2005
Timing effects of antecedent-and response-focused emotion regulation strategies
S Paul, D Simon, R Kniesche, N Kathmann, T Endrass
Biological psychology 94 (1), 136-142, 2013
Specificity of performance monitoring changes in obsessive-compulsive disorder
T Endrass, M Ullsperger
Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews 46, 124-138, 2014
Impaired decision making and feedback evaluation in borderline personality disorder
B Schuermann, N Kathmann, C Stiglmayr, B Renneberg, T Endrass
Psychological medicine 41 (9), 1917, 2011
Overactive performance monitoring as an endophenotype for obsessive-compulsive disorder: evidence from a treatment study
A Riesel, T Endrass, LA Auerbach, N Kathmann
American Journal of Psychiatry 172 (7), 665-673, 2015
Dysfunctional forward model mechanisms and aberrant sense of agency in obsessive-compulsive disorder
A Gentsch, S Schütz-Bosbach, T Endrass, N Kathmann
Biological psychiatry 71 (7), 652-659, 2012
Performance monitoring in obsessive-compulsive disorder and social anxiety disorder
T Endrass, A Riesel, N Kathmann, U Buhlmann
Journal of abnormal psychology 123 (4), 705-714, 2014
Neural correlates of feedback processing in decision-making under risk
B Schuermann, T Endrass, N Kathmann
Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 6, 204, 2012
Reduced interhemispheric transmission in schizophrenia patients: evidence from event-related potentials
T Endrass, B Mohr, B Rockstroh
Neuroscience letters 320 (1-2), 57-60, 2002
Response‐related negativities following correct and incorrect responses: Evidence from a temporospatial principal component analysis
T Endrass, J Klawohn, R Gruetzmann, M Ischebeck, N Kathmann
Psychophysiology 49 (6), 733-743, 2012
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