Dominik Siemon
Dominik Siemon
Assistant Professor (tenure track) for Information Systems and Service Development
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Designing personality-adaptive conversational agents for mental health care
R Ahmad, D Siemon, U Gnewuch, S Robra-Bissantz
Information Systems Frontiers 24 (3), 923-943, 2022
Elaborating team roles for artificial intelligence-based teammates in human-AI collaboration
D Siemon
Group Decision and Negotiation 31 (5), 871-912, 2022
One for all and all for one-towards a framework for collaboration support systems
D Siemon, F Becker, L Eckardt, S Robra-Bissantz
Education and Information Technologies 24 (2), 1837-1861, 2019
Virtual moderation assistance: creating design guidelines for virtual assistants supporting creative workshops
T Strohmann, S Fischer, D Siemon, F Brachten, C Lattemann, ...
PACIS 2018 Proceedings, 2018
Gamification of teaching in higher education
D Siemon, L Eckardt
Gamification: using game elements in serious contexts, 153-164, 2017
Designing virtual in-vehicle assistants: Design guidelines for creating a convincing user experience
T Strohmann, D Siemon, S Robra-Bissantz
AIS Transactions on Human-Computer Interaction 11 (2), 54-78, 2019
Toward a design theory for virtual companionship
T Strohmann, D Siemon, B Khosrawi-Rad, S Robra-Bissantz
Human–Computer Interaction 38 (3-4), 194-234, 2023
Shared mental models in creative virtual teamwork
B Redlich, D Siemon, C Lattemann, S Robra-Bissantz
Proceedings of the 50th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, 2017
How might we? From design challenges to business innovation
D Siemon, F Becker, S Robra-Bissantz
Journal of Creativity and Business Innovation 4, 2018
Digitization of the design thinking process solving problems with geographically dispersed teams
C Lattemann, D Siemon, D Dorawa, B Redlich
Design, User Experience, and Usability: Theory, Methodology, and Management …, 2017
brAInstorm: Intelligent assistance in group idea generation
T Strohmann, D Siemon, S Robra-Bissantz
Designing the Digital Transformation: 12th International Conference, DESRIST …, 2017
Towards semi-virtual design thinking-creativity in dispersed Multicultural and Multidisciplinary innovation project teams
B Redlich, D Dorawa, D Siemon, C Lattemann
Proceedings of the 51st Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, 2018
Communicating with machines: Conversational agents with personality and the role of extraversion
R Ahmad, D Siemon, S Robra-Bissantz
Proceedings of the 54th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, 2021
Tracking down the negative group creativity effects with the help of an artificial intelligence-like support system
D Siemon, L Eckardt, S Robra-Bissantz
Proceedings of the 48th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences …, 2015
Let the computer evaluate your idea: evaluation apprehension in human-computer collaboration
D Siemon
Behaviour & Information Technology 42 (5), 459-477, 2023
A framework of personality cues for conversational agents
R Ahmad, D Siemon, U Gnewuch, S Robra-Bissantz
Proceedings of the 55th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, 2022
Collaborative service blueprinting for design thinking: evaluation of a digital prototype
T Potthoff, D Siemon, K Wilms, S Möser, M Hellmann, S Stieglitz, ...
Proceedings of the 51st Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, 2018
Gameducation–spielelemente in der universitätslehre
L Eckardt, D Siemon, S Robra-Bissantz
HMD Praxis der Wirtschaftsinformatik 52, 915-925, 2015
Towards a model of team roles in human-machine collaboration
D Siemon, R Li, S Robra-Bissantz
ICIS 2020 Proceedings, 2020
A creativity support tool for cognitive idea stimulation in entrepreneurial activities
D Siemon, S Robra-Bissantz
International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business 33 (4), 532-552, 2018
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