Thomas Hackl
Thomas Hackl
Groningen Institute for Evolutionary Life Sciences
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proovread : large-scale high-accuracy PacBio correction through iterative short read consensus
T Hackl, R Hedrich, J Schultz, F Förster
Bioinformatics 30 (21), 3004-3011, 2014
Marine microbial metagenomes sampled across space and time
SJ Biller, PM Berube, K Dooley, M Williams, BM Satinsky, T Hackl, ...
Scientific data 5 (1), 1-7, 2018
Metagenomic binning of a marine sponge microbiome reveals unity in defense but metabolic specialization
BM Slaby, T Hackl, H Horn, K Bayer, U Hentschel
The ISME journal 11 (11), 2465-2478, 2017
ITS2 database IV: interactive taxon sampling for internal transcribed spacer 2 based phylogenies
C Koetschan, T Hackl, T Müller, M Wolf, F Förster, J Schultz
Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 63 (3), 585-588, 2012
Host genome integration and giant virus-induced reactivation of the virophage mavirus
MG Fischer, T Hackl
Nature 540 (7632), 288-291, 2016
Single cell genomes of Prochlorococcus, Synechococcus, and sympatric microbes from diverse marine environments
PM Berube, SJ Biller, T Hackl, SL Hogle, BM Satinsky, JW Becker, ...
Scientific data 5 (1), 1-11, 2018
The ITS2 database
B Merget, C Koetschan, T Hackl, F Förster, T Dandekar, T Müller, ...
Journal of visualized experiments: JoVE, 3806, 2012
AliTV—interactive visualization of whole genome comparisons
MJ Ankenbrand, S Hohlfeld, T Hackl, F Förster
PeerJ Computer Science 3, e116, 2017
Genomes of the Venus flytrap and close relatives unveil the roots of plant carnivory
G Palfalvi, T Hackl, N Terhoeven, TF Shibata, T Nishiyama, ...
Current Biology 30 (12), 2312-2320. e5, 2020
Novel integrative elements and genomic plasticity in ocean ecosystems
T Hackl, R Laurenceau, MJ Ankenbrand, C Bliem, Z Cariani, E Thomas, ...
Cell 186 (1), 47-62. e16, 2023
Phosphonate production by marine microbes: exploring new sources and potential function
M Acker, SL Hogle, PM Berube, T Hackl, A Coe, R Stepanauskas, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 119 (11), e2113386119, 2022
Virophages and retrotransposons colonize the genomes of a heterotrophic flagellate
T Hackl, S Duponchel, K Barenhoff, A Weinmann, MG Fischer
Elife 10, e72674, 2021
Large-scale invasion of unicellular eukaryotic genomes by integrating DNA viruses
C Bellas, T Hackl, MS Plakolb, A Koslová, MG Fischer, R Sommaruga
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 120 (16), e2300465120, 2023
Genetic engineering of marine cyanophages reveals integration but not lysogeny in T7-like cyanophages
D Shitrit, T Hackl, R Laurenceau, N Raho, MCG Carlson, G Sabehi, ...
The ISME journal 16 (2), 488-499, 2022
chloroExtractor: extraction and assembly of the chloroplast genome from whole genome shotgun data
MJ Ankenbrand, S Pfaff, N Terhoeven, M Qureischi, M Gündel, CL Weiß, ...
The Journal of Open Source Software 3 (21), 464, 2018
Siderophores as an iron source for picocyanobacteria in deep chlorophyll maximum layers of the oligotrophic ocean
SL Hogle, T Hackl, RM Bundy, J Park, B Satinsky, T Hiltunen, S Biller, ...
The ISME Journal 16 (6), 1636-1646, 2022
Four high-quality draft genome assemblies of the marine heterotrophic nanoflagellate Cafeteria roenbergensis
T Hackl, R Martin, K Barenhoff, S Duponchel, D Heider, MG Fischer
Scientific Data 7 (1), 29, 2020
Updated virophage taxonomy and distinction from polinton-like viruses
S Roux, MG Fischer, T Hackl, LA Katz, F Schulz, N Yutin
Biomolecules 13 (2), 204, 2023
Gene expression during bacterivorous growth of a widespread marine heterotrophic flagellate
R Massana, A Labarre, D López-Escardó, A Obiol, F Bucchini, T Hackl, ...
The ISME Journal 15 (1), 154-167, 2021
Improving draft genome contiguity with reference-derived in silico mate-pair libraries
JH Grau, T Hackl, KP Koepfli, M Hofreiter
GigaScience 7 (5), giy029, 2018
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Articles 1–20