Ivan Dmitriev
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Theory of microwave-induced oscillations in the magnetoconductivity of a two-dimensional electron gas
IA Dmitriev, MG Vavilov, IL Aleiner, AD Mirlin, DG Polyakov
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 71 (11), 115316, 2005
Nonequilibrium phenomena in high Landau levels
IA Dmitriev, AD Mirlin, DG Polyakov, MA Zudov
Reviews of Modern Physics 84 (4), 1709-1763, 2012
Cyclotron-resonance harmonics in the ac response of a 2D electron gas with smooth disorder
IA Dmitriev, AD Mirlin, DG Polyakov
Physical review letters 91 (22), 226802, 2003
Microwave photoconductivity of a two-dimensional electron gas: Mechanisms and their interplay at high radiation power
IA Dmitriev, AD Mirlin, DG Polyakov
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 75 (24), 245320, 2007
Mechanisms of the microwave photoconductivity in two-dimensional electron systems with mixed disorder
IA Dmitriev, M Khodas, AD Mirlin, DG Polyakov, MG Vavilov
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 80 (16), 165327, 2009
Anomalous Hall effect with massive Dirac fermions
IA Ado, IA Dmitriev, PM Ostrovsky, M Titov
Europhysics Letters 111 (3), 37004, 2015
Oscillatory ac conductivity and photoconductivity of a two-dimensional electron gas: Quasiclassical transport beyond the Boltzmann equation
IA Dmitriev, AD Mirlin, DG Polyakov
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 70 (16), 165305, 2004
Analog of microwave-induced resistance oscillations induced in GaAs heterostructures by terahertz radiation
T Herrmann, IA Dmitriev, DA Kozlov, M Schneider, B Jentzsch, ZD Kvon, ...
Physical Review B 94 (8), 081301, 2016
Theory of fractional microwave-induced resistance oscillations
IA Dmitriev, AD Mirlin, DG Polyakov
Physical review letters 99 (20), 206805, 2007
Anomalous Hall Effect in a 2D Rashba Ferromagnet
IA Ado, IA Dmitriev, PM Ostrovsky, M Titov
Physical review letters 117 (4), 046601, 2016
Quantum oscillations in the microwave magnetoabsorption of a two-dimensional electron gas
OM Fedorych, M Potemski, SA Studenikin, JA Gupta, ZR Wasilewski, ...
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 81 (20), 201302, 2010
Fractional features in radiation-induced oscillations of the magnetoresistance of two-dimensional electron systems
IV Pechenezhskiĭ, SI Dorozhkin, IA Dmitriev
JETP letters 85, 86-91, 2007
Theory of microwave-induced photocurrent and photovoltage magneto-oscillations in a spatially nonuniform two-dimensional electron gas
IA Dmitriev, SI Dorozhkin, AD Mirlin
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 80 (12), 125418, 2009
Cyclotron resonance overtones and near-field magnetoabsorption via terahertz Bernstein modes in graphene
DA Bandurin, E Mönch, K Kapralov, IY Phinney, K Lindner, S Liu, ...
Nature Physics, 1-6, 2022
Compressibility of a two-dimensional electron gas under microwave radiation
MG Vavilov, IA Dmitriev, IL Aleiner, AD Mirlin, DG Polyakov
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 70 (16), 161306, 2004
Quantum cascade lasers based on quantum dot superlattice
IA Dmitriev, RA Suris
physica status solidi (a) 202 (6), 987-991, 2005
Sensitivity of the anomalous Hall effect to disorder correlations
IA Ado, IA Dmitriev, PM Ostrovsky, M Titov
Physical Review B 96 (23), 235148, 2017
Observation of microwave induced resistance and photovoltage oscillations in MgZnO/ZnO heterostructures
DF Kärcher, AV Shchepetilnikov, YA Nefyodov, J Falson, IA Dmitriev, ...
Physical Review B 93 (4), 041410, 2016
Electron localization and bloch oscillations in quantum-dot superlattices under a constant electric field
IA Dmitriev, RA Suris
Semiconductors 35, 212-219, 2001
Phonon-induced resistance oscillations of two-dimensional electron systems drifting with supersonic velocities
IA Dmitriev, R Gellmann, MG Vavilov
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 82 (20), 201311, 2010
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Articles 1–20