Kevin Koban
Kevin Koban
University of Vienna, Department of Communication
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Quid pro quo in Web 2.0. Connecting personality traits and Facebook usage intensity to uncivil commenting intentions in public online discussions
K Koban, JP Stein, V Eckhardt, P Ohler
Computers in Human Behavior 79, 9–18, 2018
Compensatory video gaming. Gaming behaviours and adverse outcomes and the moderating role of stress, social interaction anxiety, and loneliness
K Koban, J Biehl, J Bornemeier, P Ohler
Behaviour & Information Technology 41 (13), 2727-2744, 2022
You are not alone: Smartphone use, friendship satisfaction, and anxiety during the COVID-19 crisis
A Stevic, K Koban, A Binder, J Matthes
Mobile Media & Communication 10 (2), 294-315, 2022
Worth the effort? Comparing different youtube vlog production styles in terms of viewers’ identification, parasocial response, immersion, and enjoyment.
JP Stein, K Koban, S Joos, P Ohler
Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity, and the Arts 16 (3), 426, 2022
The COVID-19 infodemic at your fingertips. Reciprocal relationships between COVID-19 information FOMO, bedtime smartphone news engagement, and daytime tiredness over time
K Koban, A Neureiter, A Stevic, J Matthes
Computers in Human Behavior 130, 107175, 2022
Longitudinal Relationships Among Fear of COVID-19, Smartphone Online Self-Disclosure, Happiness, and Psychological Well-being: Survey Study
J Matthes, K Koban, A Neureiter, A Stevic
Journal of Medical Internet Research 23 (9), e28700, 2021
Further validation and cross-cultural replication of the Video Game Demand Scale.
K Koban, ND Bowman
Journal of Media Psychology: Theories, Methods, and Applications 33 (1), 39, 2021
Playing for the thrill and skill. Quiz games as means for mood and competence repair
K Koban, J Breuer, D Rieger, MR Mohseni, S Noack, G Bente, P Ohler
Media Psychology, 1-26, 2018
Short-sighted ghosts. Psychological antecedents and consequences of ghosting others within emerging adults’ romantic relationships and friendships
M Forrai, K Koban, J Matthes
Telematics and Informatics 80, 101969, 2023
It feels, therefore it is: Associations between mind perception and mind ascription for social robots
K Koban, J Banks
Computers in Human Behavior 153, 108098, 2024
Digital gaming audiences: Awareness, without closeness
ER Watts, K Koban, ND Bowman
Entertainment Computing 36, 100384, 2021
A tale of two concepts: differential temporal predictions of habitual and compulsive social media use concerning connection overload and sleep quality
K Koban, A Stevic, J Matthes
Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication 28 (2), zmac040, 2023
Forms and frames: Mind, morality, and trust in robots across prototypical interactions
J Banks, K Koban, PV Chauveau
Human-Machine Communication 2, 81-103, 2021
A kind apart: The limited application of human race and sex stereotypes to a humanoid social robot
J Banks, K Koban
International Journal of Social Robotics 15 (11), 1949-1961, 2023
Of robots and robotkind: Extending intergroup contact theory to social machines
BA Haggadone, J Banks, K Koban
Communication Research Reports 38 (3), 161-171, 2021
Bugs on the Brain: A Mental Model Matching Approach to Cognitive Skill Acquisition in a Strategy Game
JA Wasserman, K Koban
Journal of Expertise 2 (2), 121-139, 2019
Out of Sight, (Not Yet) Out of Mind: The Impact of Tie Strength on Direct Interaction and Social Surveillance Among Geographically Close and Long-Distance Facebook Friends
K Koban, S Krüger
Communication Research Reports 35 (1), 74–84, 2018
Dual-Process Theory in Human–Machine Communication
K Koban, J Banks
The SAGE Handbook of Human–Machine Communication, 302, 2023
The Observant Android: Limited Social Facilitation and Inhibition From a Copresent Social Robot
K Koban, BA Haggadone, J Banks
Technology, Mind, and Behavior 2 (3), 2021
Framing Effects on Judgments of Social Robots' (Im) Moral Behaviors
J Banks, K Koban
Frontiers in Robotics and AI 8, 118, 2021
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