Michael Kaiser
Michael Kaiser
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Isolating organic carbon fractions with varying turnover rates in temperate agricultural soils–A comprehensive method comparison
C Poeplau, A Don, J Six, M Kaiser, D Benbi, C Chenu, MF Cotrufo, ...
Soil Biology and Biochemistry 125, 10-26, 2018
Microbial biomass, fungal and bacterial residues, and their relationships to the soil organic matter C/N/P/S ratios
KS Khan, R Mack, X Castillo, M Kaiser, RG Joergensen
Geoderma 271, 115-123, 2016
Impacts of organic matter amendments on carbon and nitrogen dynamics in grassland soils
R Ryals, M Kaiser, MS Torn, AA Berhe, WL Silver
Soil Biology and Biochemistry 68, 52-61, 2014
How air-drying and rewetting modify soil organic matter characteristics: an assessment to improve data interpretation and inference
M Kaiser, M Kleber, AA Berhe
Soil Biology and Biochemistry 80, 324-340, 2015
Effect of biochar and compost on soil properties and organic matter in aggregate size fractions under field conditions
J Cooper, I Greenberg, B Ludwig, L Hippich, D Fischer, B Glaser, ...
Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 295, 106882, 2020
Functional characterization of soil organic matter fractions different in solubility originating from a long-term field experiment
M Kaiser, RH Ellerbrock
Geoderma 127 (3-4), 196-206, 2005
Stability and composition of different soluble soil organic matter fractions–evidence from δ13C and FTIR signatures
RH Ellerbrock, M Kaiser
Geoderma 128 (1-2), 28-37, 2005
How does sonication affect the mineral and organic constituents of soil aggregates?—A review
M Kaiser, A Asefaw Berhe
Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science 177 (4), 479-495, 2014
Stabilization of carbon from maize in a sandy soil in a long‐term experiment
B Ludwig, B John, R Ellerbrock, M Kaiser, H Flessa
European Journal of Soil Science 54 (1), 117-126, 2003
Cation exchange capacity and composition of soluble soil organic matter fractions
M Kaiser, RH Ellerbrock, HH Gerke
Soil Science Society of America Journal 72 (5), 1278-1285, 2008
Effect of biochar and organic fertilizers on C mineralization and macro-aggregate dynamics under different incubation temperatures
D Grunwald, M Kaiser, B Ludwig
Soil and Tillage Research 164, 11-17, 2016
The influence of mineral characteristics on organic matter content, composition, and stability of topsoils under long‐term arable and forest land use
M Kaiser, RH Ellerbrock, M Wulf, S Dultz, C Hierath, M Sommer
Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences 117 (G2), 2012
Long‐term effects of crop rotation and fertilization on soil organic matter composition
M Kaiser, RH Ellerbrock, HH Gerke
European Journal of Soil Science 58 (6), 1460-1470, 2007
Substitution of mineral fertilizers with biogas digestate plus biochar increases physically stabilized soil carbon but not crop biomass in a field trial
I Greenberg, M Kaiser, A Gunina, P Ledesma, S Polifka, K Wiedner, ...
Science of the Total Environment 680, 181-189, 2019
Influence of elevated soil temperature and biochar application on organic matter associated with aggregate-size and density fractions in an arable soil
D Grunwald, M Kaiser, S Junker, S Marhan, HP Piepho, C Poll, ...
Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 241, 79-87, 2017
Effects of pyrolysis temperature and feedstock type on biochar characteristics pertinent to soil carbon and soil health: A meta‐analysis
L Li, A Long, B Fossum, M Kaiser
Soil Use and Management 39 (1), 43-52, 2023
Effects of land use and mineral characteristics on the organic carbon content, and the amount and composition of Na‐pyrophosphate‐soluble organic matter, in subsurface soils
M Kaiser, K Walter, RH Ellerbrock, M Sommer
European Journal of Soil Science 62 (2), 226-236, 2011
Effects of mineral characteristics on content, composition, and stability of organic matter fractions separated from seven forest topsoils of different pedogenesis
M Kaiser, DP Zederer, RH Ellerbrock, M Sommer, B Ludwig
Geoderma 263, 1-7, 2016
Application of ultrasound to disperse soil aggregates of high mechanical stability
M Kaiser, AA Berhe, M Sommer, M Kleber
Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science 175 (4), 521-526, 2012
Impact of tillage intensity on carbon and nitrogen pools in surface and sub‐surface soils of three long‐term field experiments
M Kaiser, C Piegholdt, R Andruschkewitsch, D Linsler, HJ Koch, B Ludwig
European journal of soil science 65 (4), 499-509, 2014
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