Piet Brouwer
Piet Brouwer
Fachbereich Physik, Freie Universitaet Berlin
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Scattering approach to parametric pumping
PW Brouwer
Physical Review B 58 (16), R10135, 1998
Reflection-symmetric second-order topological insulators and superconductors
J Langbehn, Y Peng, L Trifunovic, F von Oppen, PW Brouwer
Physical review letters 119 (24), 246401, 2017
Electron− phonon scattering in metallic single-walled carbon nanotubes
JY Park, S Rosenblatt, Y Yaish, V Sazonova, H Üstünel, S Braig, TA Arias, ...
Nano letters 4 (3), 517-520, 2004
Quantum effects in Coulomb blockade
IL Aleiner, PW Brouwer, LI Glazman
Physics Reports 358 (5-6), 309-440, 2002
Second-order topological insulators and superconductors with an order-two crystalline symmetry
M Geier, L Trifunovic, M Hoskam, PW Brouwer
Physical Review B 97 (20), 205135, 2018
Role of spin-dependent interface scattering in generating current-induced torques in magnetic multilayers
X Waintal, EB Myers, PW Brouwer, DC Ralph
Physical Review B 62 (18), 12317, 2000
Near-zero-energy end states in topologically trivial spin-orbit coupled superconducting nanowires with a smooth confinement
G Kells, D Meidan, PW Brouwer
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 86 (10), 100503, 2012
One-parameter scaling at the Dirac point in graphene
JH Bardarson, J Tworzydło, PW Brouwer, CWJ Beenakker
Physical review letters 99 (10), 106801, 2007
Higher-order bulk-boundary correspondence for topological crystalline phases
L Trifunovic, PW Brouwer
Physical Review X 9 (1), 011012, 2019
Diagrammatic method of integration over the unitary group, with applications to quantum transport in mesoscopic systems
PW Brouwer, CWJ Beenakker
Journal of Mathematical Physics 37 (10), 4904-4934, 1996
Aharonov-Bohm oscillations in disordered topological insulator nanowires
JH Bardarson, PW Brouwer, JE Moore
Physical review letters 105 (15), 156803, 2010
Voltage-probe and imaginary-potential models for dephasing in a chaotic quantum dot
PW Brouwer, CWJ Beenakker
Physical Review B 55 (7), 4695, 1997
Generalized circular ensemble of scattering matrices for a chaotic cavity with nonideal leads
PW Brouwer
Physical Review B 51 (23), 16878, 1995
Fano resonances as a probe of phase coherence in quantum dots
AA Clerk, X Waintal, PW Brouwer
Physical review letters 86 (20), 4636, 2001
Topological superconducting phases in disordered quantum wires with strong spin-orbit coupling
PW Brouwer, M Duckheim, A Romito, F von Oppen
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 84 (14), 144526, 2011
Quantum mechanical time-delay matrix in chaotic scattering
PW Brouwer, KM Frahm, CWJ Beenakker
Physical review letters 78 (25), 4737, 1997
Probability distribution of Majorana end-state energies in disordered wires
PW Brouwer, M Duckheim, A Romito, F von Oppen
Physical review letters 107 (19), 196804, 2011
Quantum transport of disordered Weyl semimetals at the nodal point
B Sbierski, G Pohl, EJ Bergholtz, PW Brouwer
Physical review letters 113 (2), 026602, 2014
Femtosecond formation dynamics of the spin Seebeck effect revealed by terahertz spectroscopy
TS Seifert, S Jaiswal, J Barker, ST Weber, I Razdolski, J Cramer, ...
Nature communications 9 (1), 2899, 2018
Sloppy-model universality class and the Vandermonde matrix
JJ Waterfall, FP Casey, RN Gutenkunst, KS Brown, CR Myers, ...
Physical review letters 97 (15), 150601, 2006
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