Premila mohanakrishnan
Premila mohanakrishnan
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Optical properties of CdS nanoparticles upon annealing
V Sivasubramanian, AK Arora, M Premila, CS Sundar, VS Sastry
Physica E: Low-dimensional Systems and Nanostructures 31 (1), 93-98, 2006
Pressure-induced polymerization of fullerenes: a comparative study of C 60 and C 70
CS Sundar, PC Sahu, VS Sastry, GVN Rao, V Sridharan, M Premila, ...
Physical Review B: Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 53 (13), 8180-8183, 1996
Synthesis and search for superconductivity in LiBC
A Bharathi, S Jemima Balaselvi, M Premila, TN Sairam, GLN Reddy, ...
Solid state communications 124 (10), 423-428, 2002
Structure of cesium loaded iron phosphate glasses: An infrared and Raman spectroscopy study
K Joseph, M Premila, G Amarendra, KV Govindan Kutty, CS Sundar, ...
Journal of Nuclear Materials 420 (1), 49-53, 2012
Pressure induced dimerisation of C 70
M Premila, CS Sundar, PC Sahu, A Bharathi, Y Hariharan, DVS Muthu, ...
Solid state communications 104 (4), 237-242, 1997
Thermal stability of a fullerene-amine adduct
J Janaki, M Premila, P Gopalan, VS Sastry, CS Sundar
Thermochimica acta 356 (1), 109-116, 2000
Vapour pressure of C< sub> 60</sub> by a transpiration method using a horizontal thermobalance
R Pankajavalli, C Mallika, OM Sreedharan, M Premila, P Gopalan
Thermochimica acta 316 (1), 101-108, 1998
Quasiquenching size effects in gold nanoclusters embedded in silica matrix
S Dhara, R Kesavamoorthy, P Magudapathy, M Premila, BK Panigrahi, ...
Chemical physics letters 370 (1), 254-260, 2003
Metal-insulator transition in Ni-doped Na0. 75CoO2: Insights from infrared studies
M Premila, A Bharathi, N Gayathri, P Yasodha, Y Hariharan, CS Sundar
Pramana 67 (1), 153-162, 2006
UV-Irradiation studies on C< sub> 70</sub> clusters in mixed solvents
JA Nisha, M Premila, V Sridharan, CS Sundar, TS Radhakrishnan
Carbon 36 (5), 637-639, 1998
Drastic ground state changes induced by Ni substitution in NaxCoO2
N Gayathri, M Premila, A Bharathi, VS Sastry, CS Sundar, Y Hariharan
arXiv preprint cond-mat/0507045, 2005
Probing the local structural changes across the amorphous to crystalline transition in iron phosphate glass: Positron annihilation and micro Raman studies
M Premila, S Abhaya, R Rajaraman, TR Ravindran, G Amarendra, ...
Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 358 (6), 1014-1018, 2012
Infrared spectroscopic study of the local structural changes across the metal insulator transition in nickel-doped GdBaCo< sub> 2</sub> O< sub> 5.5</sub>
P Yasodha, M Premila, A Bharathi, MC Valsakumar, R Rajaraman, ...
Journal of Solid State Chemistry 183 (11), 2602-2608, 2010
X-ray-diffraction study of solid C70
GV Narasimha Rao, VS Sastry, M Premila, A Bharathi, CS Sundar, ...
Powder Diffraction 11 (01), 5-6, 1996
X-ray diffraction and thermoanalytical investigations of amorphous carbons derived from C< sub> 60</sub>
JA Nisha, J Janaki, V Sridharan, G Padma, M Premila, TS Radhakrishnan
Thermochimica acta 286 (1), 17-24, 1996
Thermochemical degradation of limestone aggregate concrete on exposure to sodium fire
M Premila, K Sivasubramanian, G Amarendra, CS Sundar
Journal of Nuclear Materials 375 (2), 263-269, 2008
Sr< sup> 2+</sup> doping effects on the transport and magnetic properties of GdBaCo< sub> 2</sub> O< sub> 5+</sub>< i> δ</i>
J Janaki, A Bharathi, N Gayathri, P Yasodha, M Premila, VS Sastry, ...
Physica B: Condensed Matter 403 (4), 631-635, 2008
Perturbed-angular-correlation studies in hafnium doped La< sub> 0.67</sub> Ca< sub> 0.33</sub> MnO< sub> 3</sub>
R Govindaraj, CS Sundar, L Seetha Lakshmi, V Sridharan, M Premila, ...
Chemical physics 302 (1), 185-192, 2004
Ce-substitution effects in GdBaCo< sub> 2</sub> O< sub> 5+ δ</sub>
P Yasodha, N Gayathri, A Bharathi, M Premila, CS Sundar, Y Hariharan
Solid State Communications 144 (5), 215-219, 2007
Effect of pressure on the structural stability of iron phosphate glass: Role of trace water
M Premila, TR Ravindran, NV Shekar, S Abhaya, R Rajaraman, ...
Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 358 (18), 2575-2580, 2012
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