oliveira ps
oliveira ps
Departamento de Biologia Animal, Universidade Estadual de Campinas
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The cerrados of Brazil: ecology and natural history of a neotropical savanna
PS Oliveira, RJ Marquis
Columbia University Press, 2002
The ecology and evolution of ant-plant interactions
V Rico-Gray, PS Oliveira
University of Chicago Press, 2008
Ant–plant–herbivore interactions in the neotropical cerrado savanna
PS Oliveira, AVL Freitas
Naturwissenschaften 91 (12), 557-570, 2004
Interaction intimacy affects structure and coevolutionary dynamics in mutualistic networks
PR Guimarães, V Rico-Gray, PS Oliveira, TJ Izzo, SF dos Reis, ...
Current Biology 17 (20), 1797-1803, 2007
The ecological function of extrafloral nectaries: herbivore deterrence by visiting ants and reproductive output in Caryocar brasiliense (Caryocaraceae)
PS Oliveira
Functional ecology 11 (3), 323-330, 1997
Interaction between ants, extrafloral nectaries and insect herbivores in Neotropical coastal sand dunes: herbivore deterrence by visiting ants increases fruit set in Opuntia …
PS Oliveira, V Rico‐Gray, CDCC Castillo‐Guevara
Functional ecology 13 (5), 623-631, 1999
Conditional outcomes in a neotropical treehopper-ant association: temporal and species-specific variation in ant protection and homopteran fecundity
K Del-Claro, PS Oliveira
Oecologia 124, 156-165, 2000
Interactions between Fungus‐Growing Ants (Attini), Fruits and Seeds in Cerrado Vegetation in Southeast Brazil1
IR Leal, PS Oliveira
Biotropica 30 (2), 170-178, 1998
Ant‐Homoptera Interactions in a Neotropical Savanna: The Honeydew‐Producing Treehopper, Guayaquila xiphias (Membracidae), and its Associated Ant Fauna on Didymopanax vinosum …
K Del‐Claro, PS Oliveira
Biotropica 31 (1), 135-144, 1999
Ants affect the distribution and performance of seedlings of Clusia criuva, a primarily bird-dispersed rain forest tree
L Passos, PS Oliveira
Journal of Ecology, 517-528, 2002
Ant community associated with extrafloral nectaries in brazilian cerrados
PS Oliveira, CRF Brandão
Abstracts, 1989
Ants as selective agents on herbivore biology: effects on the behaviour of a non-myrmecophilous butterfly
AVL Freitas, PS Oliveira
Journal of animal Ecology, 205-210, 1996
Extrafloral nectaries: their taxonomic distribution and abundance in the woody flora of cerrado vegetation in southeast Brazil
PS Oliveira, HF Leitao-Filho
Biotropica, 140-148, 1987
Interaction between ants and seeds of a nonmyrmecochorous neotropical tree, Cabralea canjerana (Meliaceae), in the Atlantic forest of southeast Brazil
MA Pizo, PS Oliveira
American Journal of Botany 85 (5), 669-674, 1998
Size and lipid content of nonmyrmecochorous diaspores: effects on the interaction with litter-foraging ants in the Atlantic rain forest of Brazil
MA Pizo, PS Oliveira
Plant Ecology 157, 37-52, 2001
Birds and ants provide complementary seed dispersal in a neotropical savanna
AV Christianini, PS Oliveira
Journal of Ecology 98 (3), 573-582, 2010
Foraging ecology of attine ants in a Neotropical savanna: seasonal use of fungal substrate in the cerrado vegetation of Brazil
IR Leal, PS Oliveira
Insectes Sociaux 47, 376-382, 2000
Egg-laying butterflies distinguish predaceous ants by sight
SF Sendoya, AVL Freitas, PS Oliveira
The American Naturalist 174 (1), 134-140, 2009
The Use of Fruits and Seeds by Ants in the Atlantic Forest of Southeast Brazil1
MA Pizo, PS Oliveira
Biotropica 32 (4b), 851-861, 2000
Interactions between ants, fruits and seeds in a restinga forest in south-eastern Brazil
L Passos, PS Oliveira
Journal of Tropical Ecology 19 (3), 261-270, 2003
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