gregoire vincent
gregoire vincent
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Agroforestry and biodiversity conservation in tropical landscapes
G Schroth, GAB da Fonseca, CA Harvey, C Gascon, HL Vasconcelos, ...
Island press, 2013
Plant and bird diversity in rubber agroforests in the lowlands of Sumatra, Indonesia
H Beukema, F Danielsen, G Vincent, S Hardiwinoto
Agroforestry Systems 70, 217-242, 2007
Complex agroforests: their structure, diversity, and potential role in landscape conservation
G Schroth, CA Harvey, G Vincent
Agroforestry and biodiversity conservation in tropical landscapes. Island …, 2004
Climate seasonality limits leaf carbon assimilation and wood productivity in tropical forests
FH Wagner, B Hérault, D Bonal, C Stahl, LO Anderson, TR Baker, ...
Biogeosciences 13 (8), 2537-2562, 2016
Upscaling forest biomass from field to satellite measurements: sources of errors and ways to reduce them
M Réjou-Méchain, N Barbier, P Couteron, P Ploton, G Vincent, M Herold, ...
Surveys in Geophysics 40, 881-911, 2019
A comparative assessment of the performance of individual tree crowns delineation algorithms from ALS data in tropical forests
M Aubry-Kientz, R Dutrieux, A Ferraz, S Saatchi, H Hamraz, J Williams, ...
Remote Sensing 11 (9), 1086, 2019
Mapping plant area index of tropical evergreen forest by airborne laser scanning. A cross-validation study using LAI2200 optical sensor
G Vincent, C Antin, M Laurans, J Heurtebize, S Durrieu, C Lavalley, ...
Remote Sensing of Environment 198, 254-266, 2017
Accuracy of small footprint airborne LiDAR in its predictions of tropical moist forest stand structure
G Vincent, D Sabatier, L Blanc, J Chave, E Weissenbacher, R Pélissier, ...
Remote Sensing of Environment 125, 23-33, 2012
Impacts of degradation on water, energy, and carbon cycling of the Amazon tropical forests
M Longo, S Saatchi, M Keller, K Bowman, A Ferraz, PR Moorcroft, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences 125 (8), e2020JG005677, 2020
DeepForest: A Python package for RGB deep learning tree crown delineation
BG Weinstein, S Marconi, M Aubry‐Kientz, G Vincent, H Senyondo, ...
Methods in Ecology and Evolution 11 (12), 1743-1751, 2020
Tree shape plasticity in relation to crown exposure
D Harja, G Vincent, R Mulia, M van Noordwijk
Trees 26, 1275-1285, 2012
Contrasted allometries between stem diameter, crown area, and tree height in five tropical biogeographic areas
E Blanchard, P Birnbaum, T Ibanez, T Boutreux, C Antin, P Ploton, ...
Trees 30, 1953-1968, 2016
In Situ Reference Datasets From the TropiSAR and AfriSAR Campaigns in Support of Upcoming Spaceborne Biomass Missions
N Labriere, S Tao, J Chave, K Scipal, T Le Toan, K Abernethy, A Alonso, ...
IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote …, 2018
Rubber agroforests in a changing landscape: analysis of land use/cover trajectories in Bungo district, Indonesia
A Ekadinata, G Vincent
Forests, Trees and Livelihoods 20 (1), 3-14, 2011
A component-based framework for simulating agricultural production and externalities
M Donatelli, G Russell, AE Rizzoli, M Acutis, M Adam, IN Athanasiadis, ...
Environmental and agricultural modelling: integrated approaches for policy …, 2010
Leaf life span plasticity in tropical seedlings grown under contrasting light regimes
G Vincent
Annals of Botany 97 (2), 245-255, 2006
Crown allometries are less responsive than stem allometry to tree size and habitat variations in an Indian monsoon forest
C Antin, R Pélissier, G Vincent, P Couteron
Trees 27, 1485-1495, 2013
Exploring ecological significance of tree crown plasticity through three-dimensional modelling
G Vincent, D Harja
Annals of Botany 101 (8), 1221-1231, 2008
Vertical stratification reduces competition for light in dense tropical forests
M Laurans, B Hérault, G Vieilledent, G Vincent
Forest Ecology and Management 329, 79-88, 2014
Hi-sAFe: a 3D agroforestry model for integrating dynamic tree–crop interactions
C Dupraz, KJ Wolz, I Lecomte, G Talbot, G Vincent, R Mulia, F Bussière, ...
Sustainability 11 (8), 2293, 2019
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