Alexander S. Mosig
Alexander S. Mosig
inspire lab @ Institute of Biochemistry, CSCC, Jena University Hospital
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A microfluidically perfused three dimensional human liver model
K Rennert, S Steinborn, M Gröger, B Ungerböck, AM Jank, J Ehgartner, ...
Biomaterials 71, 119-131, 2015
Exercise affects the gene expression profiles of human white blood cells
P Büttner, S Mosig, A Lechtermann, H Funke, FC Mooren
Journal of applied physiology 102 (1), 26-36, 2007
Different functions of monocyte subsets in familial hypercholesterolemia: potential function of CD14+CD16+ monocytes in detoxification of oxidized LDL
S Mosig, K Rennert, S Krause, J Kzhyshkowska, K Neunübel, R Heller, ...
The FASEB Journal 23 (3), 866-874, 2009
A three-dimensional immunocompetent intestine-on-chip model as in vitro platform for functional and microbial interaction studies
M Maurer, MS Gresnigt, A Last, T Wollny, F Berlinghof, R Pospich, ...
Biomaterials 220, 119396, 2019
A versatile and customizable low-cost 3D-printed open standard for microscopic imaging
B Diederich, R Lachmann, S Carlstedt, B Marsikova, H Wang, ...
Nature communications 11 (1), 5979, 2020
Endogenous metabolites of vitamin E limit inflammation by targeting 5-lipoxygenase
H Pein, A Ville, S Pace, V Temml, U Garscha, M Raasch, K Alsabil, ...
Nature communications 9 (1), 3834, 2018
GIP increases adipose tissue expression and blood levels of MCP-1 in humans and links high energy diets to inflammation: a randomised trial
Ö Gögebakan, MA Osterhoff, R Schüler, O Pivovarova, M Kruse, ...
Diabetologia 58, 1759-1768, 2015
SARS-CoV-2 causes severe epithelial inflammation and barrier dysfunction
S Deinhardt-Emmer, S Böttcher, C Häring, L Giebeler, A Henke, R Zell, ...
Journal of virology 95 (10), 10.1128/jvi. 00110-21, 2021
Short chain fatty acids: key regulators of the local and systemic immune response in inflammatory diseases and infections
LM Ney, M Wipplinger, M Grossmann, N Engert, VD Wegner, AS Mosig
Open Biology 13 (3), 230014, 2023
Keeping Candida commensal: how lactobacilli antagonize pathogenicity of Candida albicans in an in vitro gut model
K Graf, A Last, R Gratz, S Allert, S Linde, M Westermann, M Gröger, ...
Disease models & mechanisms 12 (9), dmm039719, 2019
Monocytes of patients with familial hypercholesterolemia show alterations in cholesterol metabolism
S Mosig, K Rennert, P Büttner, S Krause, D Lütjohann, M Soufi, R Heller, ...
BMC medical genomics 1, 1-12, 2008
Co-infection with Staphylococcus aureus after primary influenza virus infection leads to damage of the endothelium in a human alveolus-on-a-chip model
S Deinhardt-Emmer, K Rennert, E Schicke, Z Cseresnyés, M Windolph, ...
Biofabrication 12 (2), 025012, 2020
Microfluidically supported biochip design for culture of endothelial cell layers with improved perfusion conditions
M Raasch, K Rennert, T Jahn, S Peters, T Henkel, O Huber, I Schulz, ...
Biofabrication 7 (1), 015013, 2015
High‐saturated‐fat diet increases circulating angiotensin‐converting enzyme, which is enhanced by the rs4343 polymorphism defining persons at risk of nutrient‐dependent …
R Schüler, MA Osterhoff, T Frahnow, AC Seltmann, A Busjahn, S Kabisch, ...
Journal of the American Heart Association 6 (1), e004465, 2017
Crossing the blood-brain barrier: Glutathione-conjugated poly (ethylene imine) for gene delivery
C Englert, AK Trützschler, M Raasch, T Bus, P Borchers, AS Mosig, ...
Journal of Controlled Release 241, 1-14, 2016
Cell type-specific delivery of short interfering RNAs by dye-functionalised theranostic nanoparticles
AT Press, A Traeger, C Pietsch, A Mosig, M Wagner, MG Clemens, ...
Nature communications 5 (1), 5565, 2014
Long-chain metabolites of α-tocopherol occur in human serum and inhibit macrophage foam cell formation in vitro
M Wallert, S Mosig, K Rennert, H Funke, M Ristow, RM Pellegrino, ...
Free Radical Biology and Medicine 68, 43-51, 2014
Monocyte-induced recovery of inflammation-associated hepatocellular dysfunction in a biochip-based human liver model
M Gröger, K Rennert, B Giszas, E Weiß, J Dinger, H Funke, ...
Scientific Reports 6, 21868, 2016
VEGF triggers transient induction of autophagy in endothelial cells via AMPKα1
K Spengler, N Kryeziu, S Große, AS Mosig, R Heller
Cells 9 (3), 687, 2020
Selective upregulation of TNFα expression in classically-activated human monocyte-derived macrophages (M1) through pharmacological interference with V-ATPase
L Thomas, Z Rao, J Gerstmeier, M Raasch, C Weinigel, S Rummler, ...
Biochemical pharmacology 130, 71-82, 2017
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