Justin Marleau
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Meta-ecosystem dynamics and functioning on finite spatial networks
JN Marleau, F Guichard, M Loreau
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 281 (1777), 20132094, 2014
Nutrient flows between ecosystems can destabilize simple food chains
JN Marleau, F Guichard, F Mallard, M Loreau
Journal of Theoretical Biology 266 (1), 162-174, 2010
Emergence of nutrient co‐limitation through movement in stoichiometric meta‐ecosystems
JN Marleau, F Guichard, M Loreau
Ecology Letters 18 (11), 1163-1173, 2015
A stoichiometric model of early plant primary succession
JN Marleau, Y Jin, JG Bishop, WF Fagan, MA Lewis
The American Naturalist 177 (2), 233-245, 2011
Nonhierarchical dispersal promotes stability and resilience in a tritrophic metacommunity
EJ Pedersen, JN Marleau, M Granados, HV Moeller, F Guichard
The American Naturalist 187 (5), E116-E128, 2016
Traits affecting nutrient recycling by mobile consumers can explain coexistence and spatially heterogeneous trophic regulation across a meta‐ecosystem
T Peller, JN Marleau, F Guichard
Ecology letters 25 (2), 440-452, 2022
A general meta‐ecosystem model to predict ecosystem functions at landscape extents
E Harvey, JN Marleau, I Gounand, SJ Leroux, CR Firkowski, F Altermatt, ...
Ecography 2023 (11), e06790, 2023
Converting ecological currencies: Energy, material, and information flows
JN Marleau, T Peller, F Guichard, A Gonzalez
Trends in Ecology & Evolution 35 (12), 1068-1077, 2020
Keeping science’s seat at the decision-making table: Mechanisms to motivate policy-makers to keep using scientific information in the age of disinformation
JN Marleau, KD Girling
Facets 2 (1), 1045-1064, 2017
Dynamic larval dispersal can mediate the response of marine metapopulations to multiple climate change impacts
R Bani, J Marleau, MJ Fortin, RM Daigle, F Guichard
Oikos 130 (6), 989-1000, 2021
Meta‐ecosystem processes alter ecosystem function and can promote herbivore‐mediated coexistence
JN Marleau, F Guichard
Ecology 100 (6), e02699, 2019
Meta-ecosystem dynamics
F Guichard, J Marleau
Springer International Publishing, 2021
Prior exposure to stress allows the maintenance of an ecosystem cycle following severe acidification
SJ van Moorsel, JN Marleau, JO Negrín Dastis, C Bazerghi, V Fugère, ...
Oikos 130 (7), 1062-1073, 2021
Nonlinear Meta-Ecosystem Dynamics
F Guichard, J Marleau, F Guichard, J Marleau
Meta-Ecosystem Dynamics: Understanding Ecosystems Through the Transformation …, 2021
F Guichard, J Marleau, F Guichard, J Marleau
Meta-Ecosystem Dynamics: Understanding Ecosystems Through the Transformation …, 2021
Introduction: General Ecosystem Dynamics
F Guichard, J Marleau, F Guichard, J Marleau
Meta-Ecosystem Dynamics: Understanding Ecosystems Through the Transformation …, 2021
Diversity of Meta-Ecosystems: Spatial Topologies, Species Diversity, Stoichiometries and Non-trophic Fluxes
F Guichard, J Marleau, F Guichard, J Marleau
Meta-Ecosystem Dynamics: Understanding Ecosystems Through the Transformation …, 2021
Networks of marine protected areas under fluctuating connectivity: The importance of within-MPA dynamics
R Bani, T Peller, J Marleau, MJ Fortin, F Guichard
bioRxiv, 2020.12. 05.413013, 2020
Prior selection prevents the loss of an ecosystem cycle during acidification
SJ van Moorsel, JN Marleau, JO Negrín Dastis, C Bazerghi, V Fugère, ...
bioRxiv, 2020.01. 27.921437, 2020
Sketches of the History of Science
J Bell, J Marleau
Centre collégial de développement de matériel didactique (CCDMD), 2019
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