Lina Stankovic
Lina Stankovic
Senior Lecturer of Electronic Engineering, University of Strathclyde
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Compressive video sampling
V Stanković, L Stanković, S Cheng
2008 16th European Signal Processing Conference, 1-5, 2008
Micro-Doppler-based target detection and feature extraction in indoor and outdoor environments
T Thayaparan, LJ Stanković, I Djurović
Journal of the Franklin Institute 345 (6), 700-722, 2008
Scalable video multicast using expanding window fountain codes
D Vukobratovic, V Stankovic, D Sejdinovic, L Stankovic, Z Xiong
IEEE Transactions on Multimedia 11 (6), 1094-1104, 2009
Robust time-frequency analysis based on the L-estimation and compressive sensing
L Stanković, S Stanković, I Orović, MG Amin
IEEE Signal Processing Letters 20 (5), 499-502, 2013
Multiwindow S-method for instantaneous frequency estimation and its application in radar signal analysis
I Orović, S Stanković, T Thayaparan, LJ Stanković
IET Signal Processing 4 (4), 363-370, 2010
Digital signal processing: with selected topics: Adaptive systems, time-frequency analysis, sparse signal processing
L Stankovic
CreateSpace, 2015
Image registration using BP-SIFT
Y Zhu, S Cheng, V Stanković, L Stanković
Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation 24 (4), 448-457, 2013
Multiple-clock-cycle architecture for the VLSI design of a system for time-frequency analysis
VN Ivanović, R Stojanović, LJ Stanković
EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing 2006, 1-18, 2006
Adaptive correlation estimation with particle filtering for distributed video coding
S Wang, L Cui, L Stankovic, V Stankovic, S Cheng
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology 22 (5), 649-658, 2011
Time–frequency-based non-stationary interference suppression for noise radar systems
M Daković, T Thayaparan, S Djukanović, LJ Stanković
IET Radar, Sonar & Navigation 2 (4), 306-314, 2008
Special purpose hardware for time frequency analysis
D Petranović, S Stanković, LJ Stanković
Electronics Letters 33 (6), 464-466, 1997
Cooperative network-coding system for wireless sensor networks
H Attar, L Stankovic, V Stankovic
IET communications 6 (3), 344-352, 2012
Expanding window fountain codes for scalable video multicast
D Vukobratovic, V Stankovic, D Sejdinovic, L Stankovic, Z Xiong
2008 IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo, 77-80, 2008
Unified approach to noise analysis in the Wigner distribution and spectrogram
LJ Stanković, V Ivanović, Z Petrović
Annals of Telecommunications 51 (11-12), 585-594, 1996
Single pixel optical imaging using a scanning MEMS mirror
L Li, V Stankovic, L Stankovic, L Li, S Cheng, D Uttamchandani
Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering 21 (2), 025022, 2011
Time–frequency-based detection of fast manoeuvring targets
M Daković, T Thayaparan, L Stanković
IET Signal Processing 4 (3), 287-297, 2010
From the STFT to the Wigner distribution
L Stanković, S Stanković, M Daković
IEEE Signal Process. Mag. 31 (3), 163-174, 2014
A method for improved energy concentration in the time-frequency signal analysis using the L-Wigner distribution
LJ Stanković
IEEE Trans. on Signal Processing 43 (1), 1262-1268, 1995
Improved sift-based image registration using belief propagation
S Cheng, V Stankovic, L Stankovic
2009 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal …, 2009
S-method in radar imaging
LJ Stanković, T Thayaparan, M Daković, V Popović
2006 14th European Signal Processing Conference, 1-5, 2006
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Articles 1–20