Sari R.R. Nijssen
Sari R.R. Nijssen
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Joint action: Mental representations, shared information and general mechanisms for coordinating with others
C Vesper, E Abramova, J Bütepage, F Ciardo, B Crossey, A Effenberg, ...
Frontiers in psychology 7, 2039, 2017
Addressing climate change with behavioral science: A global intervention tournament in 63 countries
M Vlasceanu, KC Doell, JB Bak-Coleman, B Todorova, ...
Science advances 10 (6), eadj5778, 2024
Saving the robot or the human? Robots who feel deserve moral care
SRR Nijssen, BCN Müller, RB Baaren, M Paulus
Social Cognition 37 (1), 41-S2, 2019
I, robot: How human appearance and mind attribution relate to the perceived danger of robots
BCN Müller, X Gao, SRR Nijssen, TGE Damen
International Journal of Social Robotics 13, 691-701, 2021
You, robot? The role of anthropomorphic emotion attributions in children’s sharing with a robot
SRR Nijssen, BCN Müller, T Bosse, M Paulus
International Journal of Child-Computer Interaction 30, 100319, 2021
Do we take a robot's needs into account? The effect of humanization on prosocial considerations toward other human beings and robots
SRR Nijssen, E Heyselaar, BCN Müller, T Bosse
Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking 24 (5), 332-336, 2021
Has your smartphone replaced your brain? Construction and validation of the Extended Mind Questionnaire (XMQ)
SRR Nijssen, G Schaap, GP Verheijen
PloS one 13 (8), e0202188, 2018
Towards more sustainable online consumption: The impact of default and informational nudging on consumers’ choice of delivery mode
SRR Nijssen, M Pijs, A van Ewijk, BCN Müller
Cleaner and Responsible Consumption 11, 100135, 2023
How (not) to increase older adults’ tendency to anthropomorphise in serious games
BCN Müller, S Chen, SRR Nijssen, S Kühn
PloS one 13 (7), e0199948, 2018
Can you count on a calculator? The role of agency and affect in judgments of robots as moral agents
SRR Nijssen, BCN Müller, T Bosse, M Paulus
Human–Computer Interaction 38 (5-6), 400-416, 2023
Joint action: mental representations, shared information and general mechanisms for coordinating with others. Front Psychol 7: 2039
C Vesper, E Abramova, J Bütepage, F Ciardo, B Crossey, A Effenberg, ...
The International Climate Psychology Collaboration: Climate change-related data collected from 63 countries
KC Doell, B Todorova, M Vlasceanu, JB Bak Coleman, E Pronizius, ...
Scientific data 11 (1), 1066, 2024
Behind the policy frontline in the Netherlands during the Corona crisis
M Buijzen, D Anschütz, RNH de Leeuw, DNM Bleize, AJC Sadza, ...
Journal of Children and Media 15 (1), 49-54, 2021
Applying persuasive messages to reduce public outdoor smoking: A pseudo‐randomized controlled trial
SRR Nijssen, BCN Müller, J Gallinat, S Kühn
Applied Psychology: Health and Well‐Being 15 (1), 337-353, 2023
What we think others think about climate change: generalizability of pluralistic ignorance across 11 countries
SJ Geiger, JK Köhler, ZNC Delabrida, KA Garduño-Realivazquez, ...
OSF, 2023
Does agency matter? Neural processing of robotic movements in 4-and 8-year olds
SRR Nijssen, C Pletti, M Paulus, BCN Müller
Neuropsychologia 157, 107853, 2021
It's what on the inside that counts: Addressing the biodiversity crisis by emphasizing species' inner mental lives
SRR Nijssen, M Krainz, MP White, S Pahl
Journal of Environmental Psychology 98, 102411, 2024
Dimensions of human-robot interaction: The effect of anthropomorphic cues on behavior towards robots across the lifespan
SRR Nijssen
Radboud University Nijmegen, 2021
Anthropomorphism as a gateway to environmental care and concern: Study 2-conceptual replication
S Nijssen, M Krainz, MP White, S Pahl
OSF, 2024
Addressing climate change with behavioral science: A global intervention tournament in 63 countries
H Carvacho, S D'Ottone, B Hadar, UJJ Hahnel, E Halperin, AJ Harvey, ...
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