David Streich
David Streich
WFI Ingolstadt School of Management
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Financial education and digital asset management: What's in the black box?
R Litterscheidt, DJ Streich
Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics 87, 101573, 2020
A classification of decision automation and delegation in digital investment management systems
A Rühr, D Streich, B Berger, T Hess
Proceedings of the 52nd Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences …, 2019
Using gpt-4 for financial advice
C Fieberg, L Hornuf, DJ Streich
CESifo Working Paper, 2023
Risk preference elicitation and financial advice taking
DJ Streich
Journal of Behavioral Finance 24 (3), 259-275, 2023
The impact of non-professional analyst coverage on stock market liquidity: An instrumental variables approach
J Claussen, R Litterscheidt, D Streich
The impact of non-professional analyst coverage on stock market liquidity …, 2021
Binnenmarkt, Dienstleistungsfreiheit und Arbeitnehmerentsendung – wieviel Bürokratie verträgt ein fairer Wettbewerb?
G Felbermayr, F Teti, D Streich
Impulse für die Wirtschaftspolitik, IHK für München und Oberbayern, 1-31, 2018
Using Large Language Models for Financial Advice
C Fieberg, L Hornuf, D Streich
Available at SSRN 4850039, 2024
Seeking Analysts: User-Generated Analyst Coverage and Stock Market Quality
J Claussen, R Litterscheidt, D Streich
Available at SSRN 4410560, 2023
Going with the flow: Peer effects in an online social investor network
R Litterscheidt, DJ Streich, RM Zacherl
When statutory incidence matters: Evidence from the German market for real estate agents
J Claussen, K Dubovska, D Streich
Available at SSRN 4606127, 2023
Financial Advice in the Digital Age: Empirical and Experimental Evidence on Automated and Crowd-based Financial Advice
DJH Streich
Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, 2021
Economic Situation and Government Ideology in Europe
N Potrafke, M Reischmann, M Riem, C Schinke, D Streich
ifo Schnelldienst 67 (09), 18-25, 2014
Wirtschaftslage und Regierungsideologie in Europa
N Potrafke, M Reischmann, M Riem, C Schinke, D Streich
ifo Schnelldienst 67 (09), 18-25, 2014
Does Statutory Incidence Matter? Evidence from the German Real Estate Market
J Claussen, D Streich, K Vlieg
Evidence from the German Real Estate Market, 0
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