Klaus-Dieter Thoben
Klaus-Dieter Thoben
ICT Applications in Engineering Design, Production and Logistics, University of Bremen, BIBA
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“Industrie 4.0” and smart manufacturing - a review of research issues and application examples
KD Thoben, S Wiesner, T Wuest
International journal of automation technology 11 (1), 4-16, 2017
Machine learning in manufacturing: advantages, challenges, and applications
T Wuest, D Weimer, C Irgens, KD Thoben
Production & Manufacturing Research 4 (1), 23-45, 2016
Anatomy of enterprise collaborations
HS Jagdev, KD Thoben
Production planning & control 12 (5), 437-451, 2001
An approach to monitoring quality in manufacturing using supervised machine learning on product state data
T Wuest, C Irgens, KD Thoben
Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing 25, 1167-1180, 2014
Current trends on ICT technologies for enterprise information systems
S El Kadiri, B Grabot, KD Thoben, K Hribernik, C Emmanouilidis, ...
Computers in Industry 79, 14-33, 2016
Living Labs: a new development strategy
K Feurstein, A Hesmer, KA Hribernik, KD Thoben, J Schumacher
European Living Labs-a new approach for human centric regional innovation, 1-14, 2008
Extended products: evolving traditional product concepts
KD Thoben, H Jagdev, J Eschenbächer
Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Concurrent Enterprising …, 2001
Security framework for industrial collaborative robotic cyber-physical systems
A Khalid, P Kirisci, ZH Khan, Z Ghrairi, KD Thoben, J Pannek
Computers in Industry 97, 132-145, 2018
Typological issues in enterprise networks
KD Thoben, HS Jagdev
Production Planning & Control 12 (5), 421-436, 2001
Interactions between service and product lifecycle management
S Wiesner, M Freitag, I Westphal, KD Thoben
Procedia Cirp 30, 36-41, 2015
General requirements for industrial augmented reality applications
M Quandt, B Knoke, C Gorldt, M Freitag, KD Thoben
Procedia CIRP 72 (1), 1130-1135, 2018
A survey on retail sales forecasting and prediction in fashion markets
S Beheshti-Kashi, HR Karimi, KD Thoben, M Lütjen, M Teucke
Systems Science & Control Engineering 3 (1), 154-161, 2015
Heuristic-Based Programable Controller for Efficient Energy Management Under Renewable Energy Sources and Energy Storage System in Smart Grid
Imran, A., Hafeez, G., Khan, I., Usman, M., Shafiq, Z., Qazi, A. B., Khalid ...
IEEE Access 8, 139587-139608, 2020
The product avatar as a product-instance-centric information management concept
KA Hribernik, L Rabe, KD Thoben, J Schumacher
International Journal of Product Lifecycle Management 1 (4), 367-379, 2006
Digital Twin Applications: A first systemization of their dimensions
JF Uhlenkamp, K Hribernik, S Wellsandt, KD Thoben
2019 IEEE International Conference on Engineering, Technology and Innovation …, 2019
WiGeP-positionspapier:„digitaler Zwilling “
R Stark, R Anderl, KD Thoben, S Wartzack
Zeitschrift für wirtschaftlichen Fabrikbetrieb 115 (s1), 47-50, 2020
Cloud-based automated design and additive manufacturing: A usage data-enabled paradigm shift
D Lehmhus, T Wuest, S Wellsandt, S Bosse, T Kaihara, KD Thoben, ...
Sensors 15 (12), 32079-32122, 2015
Cyber-Physische Produktionssysteme. Produktivitäts-und Flexibilitätssteigerung durch die Vernetzung intelligenter Systeme in der Fabrik
G Reinhart, P Engelhardt, F Geiger, T Philipp, W Wahlster, D Zühlke, ...
wt-online, Jg 103 (2), 84-89, 2013
Adapting the SCOR model to suit the different scenarios: a literature review & research agenda
FB Georgise, KD Thoben, M Seifert
International Journal of Business and Management (ISSN 1833-3850) 7 (6), 2-17, 2012
A methodology to develop collaborative robotic cyber physical systems for production environments
A Khalid, P Kirisci, Z Ghrairi, KD Thoben, J Pannek
Logistics Research 9, 1-15, 2016
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