Pascal Philipp
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Cited by
Revealing the state of the art of large-scale agile development research: A systematic mapping study
Ö Uludağ, P Philipp, A Putta, M Paasivaara, C Lassenius, F Matthes
Journal of Systems and Software 194, 111473, 2022
Reporting in large-scale agile organizations: insights and recommendations from a case study in software development
M Schüll, P Hofmann, P Philipp, N Urbach
Information Systems and e-Business Management 21 (3), 571-601, 2023
Challenges and Success Factors for Metrics in Large-Scale Agile Development
P Philipp, F Tobisch, F Matthes
Americas Conference on Information Systems, 2022
Toward a Metric Catalog for Large-Scale Agile Development
P Philipp, F Tobisch, L Menzel, F Matthes
Americas Conference on Information Systems, 2022
Investigating the Adoption of Metrics in Large-Scale Agile Software Development
P Philipp, F Tobisch, F Matthes
Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems, 2022
A Method for Metric Management at a Large-Scale Agile Software Development Organization
P Philipp, F Tobisch, L Menzel, F Matthes
17th International Conference on Software Process and Product Measurement …, 2023
Investigating Effort Estimation in a Large-Scale Agile ERP Transformation Program
F Tobisch, K Weigelt, P Philipp, F Matthes
International Conference on Agile Software Development, 70-86, 2024
Investigating the Establishment of Goals in Large-Scale Agile Development
P Philipp, M Schüll, F Matthes
Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems, 2022
Check for updates Investigating Effort Estimation in a Large-Scale Agile ERP Transformation Program
F Tobisch, K Weigelt, P Philipp, F Matthes
Agile Processes in Software Engineering and Extreme Programming: 25th …, 0
Investigating the Current State of Research in Large-Scale Agile Software Development: A Systematic Mapping Study
PM Philipp
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Articles 1–10