Yixing Huang (黄益星)
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Deep learning computed tomography: Learning projection-domain weights from image domain in limited angle problems
T Würfl, M Hoffmann, V Christlein, K Breininger, Y Huang, M Unberath, ...
IEEE transactions on medical imaging 37 (6), 1454-1463, 2018
Some investigations on robustness of deep learning in limited angle tomography
Y Huang, T Würfl, K Breininger, L Liu, G Lauritsch, A Maier
Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention–MICCAI 2018: 21st …, 2018
Benchmarking ChatGPT-4 on a Radiation Oncology In-Training Exam and Red Journal Gray Zone Cases: Potentials and Challenges for AI-Assisted Medical Education and Decision Making …
Y Huang, A Gomaa, T Weissmann, J Grigo, HB Tkhayat, B Frey, US Gaipl, ...
Frontiers in Oncology 13, 1265024, 2023
Data Consistent Artifact Reduction for Limited Angle Tomography with Deep Learning Prior
Y Huang, A Preuhs, G Lauritsch, M Manhart, X Huang, A Maier
MICCAI International Workshop on Machine Learning for Medical Image …, 2019
Scale-space anisotropic total variation for limited angle tomography
Y Huang, O Taubmann, X Huang, V Haase, G Lauritsch, A Maier
IEEE Transactions on Radiation and Plasma Medical Sciences 2 (4), 307-314, 2018
Restoration of missing data in limited angle tomography based on Helgason–Ludwig consistency conditions
Y Huang, X Huang, O Taubmann, Y Xia, V Haase, J Hornegger, ...
Biomedical Physics & Engineering Express 3 (3), 035015, 2017
Deep learning for brain metastasis detection and segmentation in longitudinal MRI data
Y Huang, C Bert, P Sommer, B Frey, U Gaipl, LV Distel, T Weissmann, ...
Medical Physics 49 (9), 5773-5786, 2022
Data Extrapolation from Learned Prior Images for Truncation Correction in Computed Tomography
Y Huang, A Preuhs, M Manhart, G Lauritsch, A Maier
IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging 40 (11), 3042-3053, 2021
Deep learning for automatic head and neck lymph node level delineation provides expert-level accuracy
T Weissmann, Y Huang, S Fischer, J Roesch, S Mansoorian, ...
Frontiers in Oncology 13, 1115258, 2023
Synthetic Image Rendering Solves Annotation Problem in Deep Learning Nanoparticle Segmentation
L Mill, D Wolff, N Gerrits, P Philipp, L Kling, F Vollnhals, A Ignatenko, ...
Small Methods 5 (7), 2100223 (1-13), 2021
Limited Angle Tomography for Transmission X-Ray Microscopy Using Deep Learning
Y Huang, S Wang, Y Guan, A Maier
Journal of Synchrotron Radiation 27, 477–485, 2020
A new weighted anisotropic total variation algorithm for limited angle tomography
Y Huang, O Taubmann, X Huang, V Haase, G Lauritsch, A Maier
2016 IEEE 13th international symposium on biomedical imaging (ISBI), 585-588, 2016
Ultralow‐parameter denoising: trainable bilateral filter layers in computed tomography
F Wagner, M Thies, M Gu, Y Huang, S Pechmann, M Patwari, S Ploner, ...
Medical physics 49 (8), 5107-5120, 2022
The Segment Anything foundation model achieves favorable brain tumor autosegmentation accuracy on MRI to support radiotherapy treatment planning
F Putz, J Grigo, T Weissmann, P Schubert, D Hoefler, A Gomaa, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:2304.07875, 2023
Field of View Extension in Computed Tomography Using Deep Learning Prior
Y Huang, L Gao, A Preuhs, A Maier
Bildverarbeitung für die Medizin 2020, 186-191, 2020
Cephalogram Synthesis and Landmark Detection in Dental Cone-Beam CT Systems
Y Huang, F Fan, C Syben, P Roser, L Mill, A Maier
Medical Image Analysis 70, 102028, 2021
Appearance Learning for Image-based Motion Estimation in Tomography
A Preuhs, M Manhart, P Roser, E Hoppe, Y Huang, M Psychogios, ...
IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging 39 (11), 3667-3678, 2020
Trainable joint bilateral filters for enhanced prediction stability in low-dose CT
F Wagner, M Thies, F Denzinger, M Gu, M Patwari, S Ploner, N Maul, ...
Scientific Reports 12 (1), 17540, 2022
Continual learning for peer-to-peer federated learning: A study on automated brain metastasis identification
Y Huang, C Bert, S Fischer, M Schmidt, A Dörfler, A Maier, R Fietkau, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:2204.13591, 2022
In vivo long‑term investigation of tumor bearing mKate2 by an in‑house fluorescence molecular imaging system
K Zhou, Y Ding, I Vuletic, Y Tian, J Li, J Liu, Y Huang, H Sun, C Li, Q Ren, ...
Biomedical engineering online 17 (1), 187, 2018
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