Vithala Rao
Vithala Rao
Professor of Marketing and Quantitative methods
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Conjoint measurement for quantifying judgmental data
PE Green, VR Rao
Journal of Marketing Research, 355-363, 1971
An empirical comparison of consumer-based measures of brand equity
MK Agarwal, VR Rao
Marketing Letters 7 (3), 237-247, 1996
How is manifest branding strategy related to the intangible value of a corporation?
VR Rao, MK Agarwal, D Dahlhoff
Journal of Marketing, 126-141, 2004
Linking brand equity to customer equity
RP Leone, VR Rao, KL Keller, AM Luo, L McAlister, R Srivastava
Journal of Service Research 9 (2), 125-138, 2006
Applied conjoint analysis
VR Rao
Springer Berlin, 2010
Applied multidimensional scaling: A comparison of approaches and algorithms
PE Green, VR Rao
Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1972
Extended framework for modeling choice behavior
M Ben-Akiva, D McFadden, T Gärling, D Gopinath, J Walker, D Bolduc, ...
Marketing Letters 10 (3), 187-203, 1999
Rating Scales and Information Recovery. How Many Scales and Response Categories to Use?
PE Green, VR Rao
The Journal of Marketing, 33-39, 1970
Pricing research in marketing: The state of the art
VR Rao
Journal of Business, 39-60, 1984
Combining revealed and stated preferences data
M Ben-Akiva, M Bradley, T Morikawa, J Benjamin, T Novak, H Oppewal, ...
Marketing Letters 5 (4), 335-349, 1994
An approach to assess the importance of brand equity in acquisition decisions
V Mahajan, VR Rao, RK Srivastava
Journal of Product Innovation Management 11 (3), 221-235, 1994
Research for product positioning and design decisions: An integrative review
A Kaul, VR Rao
International Journal of Research in Marketing 12 (4), 293-320, 1995
A balance model for evaluating subsets of multiattributed items
PH Farquhar, VR Rao
Management Science, 528-539, 1976
Structural analysis of competitive behavior: New Empirical Industrial Organization methods in marketing
V Kadiyali, K Sudhir, VR Rao
International Journal of Research in Marketing 18 (1-2), 161-186, 2001
A General Choice Model for Bundles with Multiple-Category Products: Application to Market Segmentation and Optimal Pricing for Bundles
VR Rao, J Chung
Journal of marketing research, 115-130, 2004
A general choice model for bundles with multiple-category products: Application to market segmentation and optimal pricing for bundles
J Chung, VR Rao
Journal of Marketing Research, 115-130, 2003
Conjoint analysis, related modeling, and applications
JR Hauser, VR Rao
Advances in Marketing Research: Progress and Prospects, 141-68, 2004
A constrained unfolding methodology for product positioning
W DeSarbo, VR Rao
Marketing Science, 1-19, 1986
Beyond conjoint analysis: Advances in preference measurement
O Netzer, O Toubia, ET Bradlow, E Dahan, T Evgeniou, FM Feinberg, ...
Marketing Letters 19 (3), 337-354, 2008
Modeling Methods for Discrete Choice Analysis
DL McFadden, M Abe, D Bolduc, U Böckenholt, M Ben-Akiva, D Gopinath, ...
Kluwer Academic Publishers; Springer Science+ Business Media, 1997
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