Patrick H. Khader
Patrick H. Khader
Fresenius University of Applied Sciences, Frankfurt, Germany
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Theta and alpha oscillations during working-memory maintenance predict successful long-term memory encoding
PH Khader, K Jost, C Ranganath, F Rösler
Neuroscience letters 468 (3), 339-343, 2010
Effects of transcranial direct current stimulation on pain perception and working memory
V Mylius, M Jung, K Menzler, A Haag, PH Khader, WH Oertel, F Rosenow, ...
European journal of pain 16 (7), 974-982, 2012
On the relationship between slow cortical potentials and BOLD signal changes in humans
P Khader, T Schicke, B Röder, F Rösler
International Journal of Psychophysiology 67 (3), 252-261, 2008
Content-specific activation during associative long-term memory retrieval
P Khader, M Burke, S Bien, C Ranganath, F Rösler
NeuroImage 27 (4), 805-816, 2005
EEG power changes reflect distinct mechanisms during long‐term memory retrieval
PH Khader, F Rösler
Psychophysiology 48 (3), 362-369, 2011
At-home tDCS of the left dorsolateral prefrontal cortex improves visual short-term memory in mild vascular dementia
S André, S Heinrich, F Kayser, K Menzler, J Kesselring, PH Khader, ...
Journal of the neurological sciences 369, 185-190, 2016
The contribution of electrophysiology to functional connectivity mapping
ML Schölvinck, DA Leopold, MJ Brookes, PH Khader
Neuroimage 80, 297-306, 2013
Differences between noun and verb processing in a minimal phrase context: A semantic priming study using event-related brain potentials
P Khader, A Scherag, J Streb, F Rösler
Cognitive Brain Research 17 (2), 293-313, 2003
Memory-based decision-making with heuristics: evidence for a controlled activation of memory representations
PH Khader, T Pachur, S Meier, S Bien, K Jost, F Rösler
Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience 23 (11), 3540-3554, 2011
Topography and dynamics of associative long-term memory retrieval in humans
P Khader, K Knoth, M Burke, C Ranganath, S Bien, F Rösler
Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience 19 (3), 493-512, 2007
Working memory maintenance contributes to long-term memory formation: evidence from slow event-related brain potentials
P Khader, C Ranganath, A Seemüller, F Rösler
Cognitive, Affective, & Behavioral Neuroscience 7 (3), 212-224, 2007
Dissociating the solution processes of small, large, and zero multiplications by means of fMRI
K Jost, P Khader, M Burke, S Bien, F Rösler
Neuroimage 46 (1), 308-318, 2009
EEG power and coherence analysis of visually presented nouns and verbs reveals left frontal processing differences
P Khader, F Rösler
Neuroscience Letters 354 (2), 111-114, 2004
Electrophysiological evidence for the continuous processing of linguistic categories of regular and irregular verb inflection in German
E Smolka, PH Khader, R Wiese, P Zwitserlood, F Rösler
Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience 25 (8), 1284-1304, 2013
Material-specific long-term memory representations of faces and spatial positions: Evidence from slow event-related brain potentials
P Khader, M Heil, F Rösler
Neuropsychologia 43 (14), 2109-2124, 2005
Frontal and parietal contributions to arithmetic fact retrieval: a parametric analysis of the problem‐size effect
K Jost, PH Khader, M Burke, S Bien, F Rösler
Human Brain Mapping 32 (1), 51-59, 2011
Comparing the effects of an acute bout of physical exercise with an acute bout of interactive mental and physical exercise on electrophysiology and executive functioning in …
J Dimitrova, M Hogan, P Khader, D O’Hora, L Kilmartin, JC Walsh, ...
Aging clinical and experimental research 29, 959-967, 2017
Neural correlates of generating visual nouns and motor verbs in a minimal phrase context
PH Khader, K Jost, M Mertens, S Bien, F Rösler
Brain Research 1318, 122-132, 2010
Automatic activation of attribute knowledge in heuristic inference from memory
PH Khader, T Pachur, K Jost
Psychonomic Bulletin & Review 20 (2), 372-377, 2013
How to model the neurocognitive dynamics of decision making: A methodological primer with ACT-R
C Dimov, PH Khader, JN Marewski, T Pachur
Behavior research methods 52 (2), 857-880, 2020
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