Gerardo Aceves Medina
Gerardo Aceves Medina
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Fish larvae assemblages in the Gulf of California
G Aceves‐Medina, SPA Jiménez‐Rosenberg, A Hinojosa‐Medina, ...
Journal of Fish Biology 65 (3), 832-847, 2004
Fish larvae from the Gulf of California
G Aceves-Medina, SPA Jiménez-Rosenberg, A Hinojosa-Medina, ...
Scientia Marina 67 (1), 1-11, 2003
Vertical structure of larval fish assemblages during diel cycles in summer and winter in the southern part of Bahía de La Paz, México
G Aceves-Medina, R Saldierna-Martínez, A Hinojosa-Medina, ...
Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 76 (4), 889-901, 2008
Holoplanktonic mollusks (Mollusca: Gastropoda) from the Gulf of California, México
O Angulo-Campillo, G Aceves-Medina, R Avedaño-Ibarra
Check List 7 (3), 337-342, 2011
Influences of El Niño on assemblages of mesopelagic fish larvae along the Pacific coast of Baja California Sur
Fisheries Oceanography 15 (3), 244-255, 2006
Multivariate characterization of spawning and larval environments of small pelagic fishes in the Gulf of California
G Aceves-Medina, R Palomares-García, J Gómez-Gutiérrez, CJ Robinson, ...
Journal of Plankton Research 31 (10), 1283-1297, 2009
Fish larvae in Bahía Sebastián Vizcaíno and the adjacent oceanic region, Baja California, México
SPA Jiménez-Rosenberg, RJ Saldierna-Martínez, G Aceves-Medina, ...
Check list 3 (3), 204-223, 2007
Seasonal abundance of fish larvae in a subtropical lagoon in the west coast of the Baja California Peninsula
R Avendano-Ibarra, R Funes-Rodrıguez, A Hinojosa-Medina, ...
Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 61 (1), 125-135, 2004
Holoplanktonic molluscs (Gastropoda: Pterotracheoidea, Thecosomata and Gymnosomata) from the southern Mexican Pacific
M Moreno-Alcántara, G Aceves-Medina, O Angulo-Campillo, ...
Journal of Molluscan Studies 80 (2), 131-138, 2014
Variación diurna de la abundancia de larvas de peces en la boca de Bahía Magdalena, Baja California Sur, México
G Aceves-Medina, R Saldierna-Martínez, ME Hernández-Rivas
Inv. Cient 3 (1), 61-70, 1992
The evolving response of mesopelagic fishes to declining midwater oxygen concentrations in the southern and central California Current
JA Koslow, P Davison, E Ferrer, SPA Jiménez Rosenberg, ...
ICES Journal of Marine Science 76 (3), 626-638, 2019
Fish larvae response to biophysical changes in the Gulf of California, Mexico (winter‐summer)
R Avendaño-Ibarra, E Godínez-Domínguez, G Aceves-Medina, ...
Journal of Marine Sciences 2013 (1), 176760, 2013
Larval development of Symphurus williamsi (Cynoglossidae
G Aceves-Medina, EA González, RJ Saldierna
Fishery Bulletin 97 (4), 738-745, 1999
Fish larvae as indicator species of interannual environmental variability in a subtropical transition area off the Baja California peninsula
G Aceves-Medina, SPA Jiménez-Rosenberg, R Durazo
Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography 169, 104631, 2019
Distribution and abundance of Syacium ovale larvae (Pleuronectiformes: Paralichthyidae) in the Gulf of California
G Aceves-Medina, RJ Saldierna-Martínez, EA González
Revista de biología tropical 51 (2), 561-567, 2003
Grupos de larvas de peces recurrentes en la costa occidental de Baja California Sur y región central del Golfo de California
G Aceves Medina
Distribution and abundance of the ichthyoplankton assemblages and its relationships with the geostrophic flow along the southern region of the California Current
G Aceves-Medina, S Jiménez-Rosenberg, RJ Saldierna-Martínez, ...
Latin american journal of aquatic research 46 (1), 104-119, 2018
Fish larvae off the northwestern coast of the Baja California Peninsula, Mexico
S Jiménez-Rosenberg, R Saldierna-Martínez, M Hernández-Rivas, ...
Check list 6 (2), 334-349, 2010
Influence of the oceanographic dynamic in size distribution of cephalopod paralarvae in the southern Mexican Pacific Ocean (rainy seasons 2007 and 2008)
G Aceves-Medina, D Silva-Dávila, I Cruz-Estudillo, R Durazo, ...
Latin american journal of aquatic research 45 (2), 356-369, 2017
Fish larvae from the Gulf of California to Colima, Mexico: An update
R Avendaño-Ibarra, G Aceves-Medina, H Urias-Leyva, ...
Check List 10 (1), 106-121, 2014
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