Matthias Fatke
Matthias Fatke
LHS Stuttgart
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Politicizing immigration in western Europe
E Grande, T Schwarzbözl, M Fatke
Journal of European Public Policy 26 (10), 1444-1463, 2019
Personality traits and political ideology: A first global assessment
M Fatke
Political Psychology 38 (5), 881-899, 2017
Direct democracy and political trust: Enhancing trust, initiating distrust–or both?
PC Bauer, M Fatke
Swiss Political Science Review 20 (1), 49-69, 2014
Außer Protesten nichts gewesen? Das politische Potenzial der AfD
T Schwarzbözl, M Fatke
Politische Vierteljahresschrift, 276-299, 2016
Direct democracy: protest catalyst or protest alternative?
M Fatke, M Freitag
Political Behavior 35, 237-260, 2013
The personality of populists: How the Big Five traits relate to populist attitudes
M Fatke
Personality and Individual Differences 139, 138-151, 2019
Latent hybridity in administrative crisis management: The German refugee crisis of 2015/16
S Eckhard, A Lenz, W Seibel, F Roth, M Fatke
Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory 31 (2), 416-433, 2021
Participation and political equality in direct democracy: Educative effect or social bias
M Fatke
Swiss Political Science Review 21 (1), 99-118, 2015
Inequality perceptions, preferences conducive to redistribution, and the conditioning role of social position
M Fatke
Societies 8 (4), 99, 2018
How party‒issue linkages vary between election manifestos and media debates
T Schwarzbözl, M Fatke, S Hutter
West European Politics 43 (4), 795-818, 2020
Invalid voting in German constituencies
M Fatke, T Heinsohn
German Politics 26 (2), 273-291, 2017
Allure or alternative? Direct democracy and party identification
M Fatke
Party Politics 20 (2), 248-260, 2014
Effects of voting advice applications during election campaigns. Evidence from a panel study at the 2014 European elections
T Heinsohn, M Fatke, J Israel, S Marschall, M Schultze
Journal of Information Technology & Politics 16 (3), 250-264, 2019
Participatory effects of regional authority: Decentralisation and political participation in comparative perspective
M Fatke
West European Politics 39 (4), 667-687, 2016
Die Politik des Gehörtwerdens: Zurück zum direktdemokratischen Musterländle?
M Fatke
Das grün‐rote Experiment in Baden-Württemberg: Eine Bilanz der …, 2017
Wollen sie nicht, können sie nicht, oder werden sie nicht gefragt? Nichtwählertypen in der Schweiz
M Fatke, M Freitag
Wählen und Wählerschaft in der Schweiz, 2015
Zuhause statt oben bleiben. Stuttgart 21 und die direkte Demokratie in Baden-Württemberg
M Fatke, M Freitag
Der historische Machtwechsel: Grün-Rot in Baden-Württemberg, 207-228, 2013
Direct democracy, political support and populism–attitudinal patterns in the German Bundesländer
K Ackermann, D Braun, M Fatke, N Fawzi
Regional & Federal Studies 33 (2), 139-162, 2023
Decentralisation and political inequality: a comparative analysis of unequal turnout in European regions
B Gundelach, M Fatke
Comparative European Politics 18 (4), 510-531, 2020
Behavioural primes in the voting booth: Further evidence of priming effects in popular votes and elections
M Fatke
Electoral Studies 40, 315-321, 2015
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