Peter Rasche
Peter Rasche
Professor for Digital Health, University of Applied Science Niederrhein
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Prevalence of health app use among older adults in Germany: national survey
P Rasche, M Wille, C Bröhl, S Theis, K Schäfer, M Knobe, A Mertens
JMIR mHealth and uHealth 6 (1), e8619, 2018
Who is still playing Pokémon Go? A web-based survey
P Rasche, A Schlomann, A Mertens
JMIR serious games 5 (2), e7197, 2017
Desktop PC, tablet PC, or smartphone? An analysis of use preferences in daily activities for different technology generations of a worldwide sample
C Bröhl, P Rasche, J Jablonski, S Theis, M Wille, A Mertens
Human Aspects of IT for the Aged Population. Acceptance, Communication and …, 2018
The “Aachen fall prevention App”–a Smartphone application app for the self-assessment of elderly patients at risk for ground level falls
P Rasche, A Mertens, C Bröhl, S Theis, T Seinsch, M Wille, HC Pape, ...
Patient safety in surgery 11, 1-4, 2017
Survey-based personas for a target-group-specific consideration of elderly end users of information and communication systems in the German health-care sector
K Schäfer, P Rasche, C Bröhl, S Theis, L Barton, C Brandl, M Wille, ...
International journal of medical informatics 132, 103924, 2019
Activity tracker and elderly
P Rasche, M Wille, S Theis, K Schäefer, CM Schlick, A Mertens
2015 IEEE International Conference on Computer and Information Technology …, 2015
Means of motivation or of stress? The use of fitness trackers for self-monitoring by older adults
A Schlomann, P Rasche, C Rietz
HeilberufeScience 7 (3), 111-116, 2016
Effects of data glasses on human workload and performance during assembly and disassembly tasks
S Theis, A Mertens, M Wille, P Rasche, T Alexander, CM Schlick
Proceedings 19th triennial congress of the IEA 9, 14-21, 2015
Satisfying product features of a fall prevention smartphone app and potential users’ willingness to pay: Web-based survey among older adults
P Rasche, A Mertens, C Brandl, S Liu, B Buecking, C Bliemel, K Horst, ...
JMIR mHealth and uHealth 6 (3), e9467, 2018
Predicting technology usage by health information need of older adults: Implications for eHealth technology
S Theis, D Schäfer, C Bröhl, K Schäfer, P Rasche, M Wille, C Brandl, ...
Work 62 (3), 443-457, 2019
Neuroergonomic analysis of perihand space: effects of hand proximity on eye-tracking measures and performance in a visual search task
C Bröhl, S Theis, P Rasche, M Wille, A Mertens, CM Schlick
Behaviour & Information Technology 36 (7), 737-744, 2017
Use of information and communication technology in healthcare context by older adults in Germany: initial results of the tech4age long-term study
A Mertens, P Rasche, S Theis, C Bröhl, M Wille
i-com 16 (2), 165-180, 2017
Augmented reality games for health promotion in old age
A Schlomann, P Rasche, A Seifert
Augmented reality games II: The gamification of education, medicine and art …, 2024
Mobile technology improves therapy-adherence rates in elderly patients undergoing rehabilitation—A crossover design study
A Mertens, S Becker, S Theis, P Rasche, M Wille, C Bröhl, L Finken, ...
Advances in Human Factors and Ergonomics in Healthcare: Proceedings of the …, 2017
Age-related usability investigation of an activity tracker
P Rasche, K Schäfer, S Theis, C Bröhl, M Wille, A Mertens
International Journal of Human Factors and Ergonomics 4 (3-4), 187-212, 2016
The aachen falls prevention scale: multi-study evaluation and comparison
P Rasche, V Nitsch, L Rentemeister, M Coburn, B Buecking, C Bliemel, ...
JMIR aging 2 (1), e12114, 2019
Prevalence of health app use among older adults in Germany: national survey. JMIR Mhealth Uhealth 6 (1): e26
P Rasche, M Wille, C Bröhl, S Theis, K Schäfer, M Knobe, A Mertens
Self monitoring-an age-related comparison
PWV Rasche, K Schäfer, M Wille, S Theis, C Schlick, A Mertens
Universitätsbibliothek der RWTH Aachen, 2016
Seamless recording of glucometer measurements among older experienced diabetic patients–A study of perception and usability
P Rasche, A Mertens, T Miron-Shatz, C Berzon, CM Schlick, M Jahn, ...
PLoS One 13 (5), e0197455, 2018
Who is still playing Pokémon go? A web-based survey. JMIR Serious Games 5 (2): e7
P Rasche, A Schlomann, A Mertens
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