Lam D. Pham
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Zitiert von
The correlates of teacher turnover: An updated and expanded meta-analysis of the literature
TD Nguyen, LD Pham, M Crouch, MG Springer
Educational Research Review, 100355, 2020
Teacher Merit Pay: A Meta-Analysis
LD Pham, TD Nguyen, MG Springer
American Educational Research Journal, 1-40, 2020
What teachers want: School factors predicting teachers’ decisions to work in low-performing schools
S Viano, LD Pham, GT Henry, A Kho, R Zimmer
American Educational Research Journal 58 (1), 201-233, 2021
Peeking into the black box of school turnaround: A formal test of mediators and suppressors
GT Henry, LD Pham, A Kho, R Zimmer
Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis 42 (2), 232-256, 2020
Dental functional status in a Southern Vietnamese adult population-an analysis by a combined quantitative and qualitative classification system
T Nguyen, D Witter, E Bronkhorst, L Pham, N Creugers
An epidemiological study on oral function in Southern Vietnam 53, 2011
Sustainability and maturation of school turnaround: A multiyear evaluation of Tennessee’s achievement school district and local innovation zones
LD Pham, GT Henry, A Kho, R Zimmer
AERA Open 6 (2), 2332858420922841, 2020
Program-wide implementation of the Pyramid Model: Supporting fidelity at the program and classroom levels
ML Hemmeter, E Barton, L Fox, C Vatland, G Henry, L Pham, K Horth, ...
Early Childhood Research Quarterly 59, 56-73, 2022
Who leads turnaround schools? Characteristics of principals in Tennessee's achievement school district and innovation zones
LTL Dixon, LD Pham, GT Henry, SP Corcoran, R Zimmer
Educational Administration Quarterly 58 (2), 258-299, 2022
Recruitment and retention of teachers in Tennessee’s Achievement School District and iZone schools: A policy brief on driving improvement in low performing schools
GT Henry, R Zimmer, A Kho, L Pham
Tennessee Education Research Alliance. Retrieved March 13, 2018, 2017
Why do we find these effects? An examination of mediating pathways explaining the effects of school turnaround
LD Pham
Journal of Research on Educational Effectiveness 16 (1), 82-105, 2023
Spillover effects of recruiting teachers for school turnaround: Evidence from Tennessee
A Kho, GT Henry, LD Pham, R Zimmer
Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis 45 (2), 268-284, 2023
Is teacher effectiveness stable across school contexts? An examination of teachers who transfer into turnaround schools
LD Pham
AERA Open 8, 23328584221139763, 2022
COVID-19 and the System Resilience of Public Education: A View from North Carolina. An Essay for the Learning Curve.
T Domina, A Hashim, C Kearney, L Pham, C Smith
Urban Institute, 2022
How has iZone teacher recruitment affected the performance of other schools
A Kho, GT Henry, R Zimmer, L Pham
Nashville: Tennessee Education Research Alliance, 2018
School turnaround after five years: An extended evaluation of Tennessee’s Achievement School District and Local Innovation Zones
L Pham, GT Henry, R Zimmer, A Kho
TN Education Research Alliance, June. https://peabody. vanderbilt. edu/TERA …, 2018
Robust, general, and low complexity acoustic scene classification systems and an effective visualization for presenting a sound scene context
L Pham, D Salovic, A Jalali, A Schindler, K Tran, C Vu, PX Nguyen
arXiv preprint arXiv:2210.08610, 2022
What students value most: A qualitative examination of learner experiences in a fully online degree program
LD Pham, GF Matthews, X Cravens
Teachers College Record 124 (2), 143-169, 2022
Teachers Are Not Lemons: An Examination of Spillover Effects When Teachers Transfer Away From Turnaround Schools
LD Pham
Educational Researcher 52 (7), 422-433, 2023
Beyond Prescriptive Reforms: An Examination of North Carolina’s Flexible School Restart Program
LD Pham, GF Matthews, TA Drake
Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis, 01623737231218735, 2024
Deep Learning Based Multimodal with Two-phase Training Strategy for Daily Life Video Classification
L Pham, T Le, C Le, D Ngo, A Weissenfeld, A Schindler
Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Content-based Multimedia …, 2023
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