Noam Weingarten
Noam Weingarten
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Cited by
Parameter sweep workflows for modelling carbohydrate recognition
T Kiss, P Greenwell, H Heindl, G Terstyanszky, N Weingarten
Journal of Grid Computing 8, 587-601, 2010
Quantum chemical meta‐workflows in MoSGrid
S Herres‐Pawlis, A Hoffmann, Á Balaskó, P Kacsuk, G Birkenheuer, ...
Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience 27 (2), 344-357, 2015
Healthshare: Using attribute-based encryption for secure data sharing between multiple clouds
A Michalas, N Weingarten
2017 IEEE 30th International Symposium on Computer-Based Medical Systems …, 2017
Traffic simulation in P-grade as a Grid service
T Delaitre, A Goyeneche, T Kiss, G Terstyanszky, N Weingarten, ...
Distributed and Parallel Systems: Cluster and Grid Computing, 129-136, 2005
User-Friendly Workflows in Quantum Chemistry.
S Herres-Pawlis, A Hoffmann, S Gesing, J Krüger, Á Balaskó, P Kacsuk, ...
IWSG, 2013
Meta-metaworkflows for combining quantum chemistry and molecular dynamics in the MoSGrid science gateway
S Herres-Pawlis, A Hoffmann, L De La Garza, J Krüger, S Gesing, ...
2014 6th International Workshop on Science Gateways, 73-78, 2014
Cation–π interactions induce kinking of a molecular hinge in the RNA polymerase bridge–helix domain
H Heindl, P Greenwell, N Weingarten, T Kiss, G Terstyanszky, ...
Biochemical Society Transactions 39 (1), 31-35, 2011
A formal approach to support interoperability in scientific meta-workflows
J Arshad, G Terstyanszky, T Kiss, N Weingarten, G Taffoni
Journal of Grid Computing 14, 655-671, 2016
A definition and analysis of the role of meta-workflows in workflow interoperability
J Arshad, G Terstyanszky, T Kiss, N Weingarten
2015 7th International Workshop on Science Gateways, 8-15, 2015
ProSim: development of a user-friendly molecular modelling package
H Heindl, T Kiss, G Terstyanszky, N Weingarten, B Afrough, P Greenwell
Beilstein-Institut zur Fo¨ rderung der Chemischen Wissenschaften, 2010
Glycoinformatics for Structural Glycomics
SM Haslam, D Goldberg
Glyco-Bioinformatics-Bits “n” Bytes of Sugars, 2011
A Grid implementation for profiling hospitals based on patient readmissions
E Demir, TJ Chaussalet, N Weingarten, T Kiss
Intelligent Patient Management, 127-146, 2009
GEMLCA: Grid Execution Management for Legacy Code Architecture
T Kiss, T Delaitre, A Goyeneche
Journal of Grid Computing 3 (1-2), 75-90, 2005
UKDA Study No. 6358-EuroPTax. Who pays for the state? The evolution of personal taxation in postwar Europe, 1958-2007
FMB Lynch, N Weingarten
UK Data Archive [distributor], 2010
T. Kiss, T. Delaitre, A. Goyeneche, P. Kacsuk, SC Winter, G. Terstyanszky, D. Igbe, P. Maselino
K Sajadah, N Weingarten
Experiences with publishing and executing parallel legacy code using an OGSI grid service
T Delaitre, A Goyeneche, T Kiss, G Terstyanszky, S Winter, P Kacsuk, ...
EPSRC, 2004
Deploying application on a GT3 Grid
T Kiss, T Delaitre, A Goyeneche, S Winter, P Kacsuk, G Terstyanszky, ...
University of Westminster, 2004
Status Report Deploying Applications on a GT3 Grid
T Kiss, T Delaitre, A Goyeneche, P Kacsuk, SC Winter, G Terstyanszky, ...
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Articles 1–18