Jan Mehner
Jan Mehner
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Computer-aided generation of nonlinear reduced-order dynamic macromodels. I. Non-stress-stiffened case
LD Gabbay, JE Mehner, SD Senturia
Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems 9 (2), 262-269, 2000
Computer-aided generation of nonlinear reduced-order dynamic macromodels. II. Stress-stiffened case
JE Mehner, LD Gabbay, SD Senturia
Journal of microelectromechanical systems 9 (2), 270-278, 2000
The substrate matters in the Raman spectroscopy analysis of cells
L Mikoliunaite, RD Rodriguez, E Sheremet, V Kolchuzhin, J Mehner, ...
Scientific reports 5 (1), 13150, 2015
Silicon mirrors and micromirror arrays for spatial laser beam modulation
S Kurth, R Hahn, C Kaufmann, K Kehr, J Mehner, U Wollmann, W Dötzel, ...
Sensors and Actuators A: Physical 66 (1-3), 76-82, 1998
Reduced order modeling of fluid structural interactions in MEMS based on model projection techniques
JE Mehner, W Doetzel, B Schauwecker, D Ostergaard
TRANSDUCERS'03. 12th International Conference on Solid-State Sensors …, 2003
Simulation of gas damping in microstructures with nontrivial geometries
J Mehner, S Kurth, D Billep, C Kaufmann, K Kehr, W Dotzel
Proceedings MEMS 98. IEEE. Eleventh Annual International Workshop on Micro …, 1998
Entwurf in der Mikrosystemtechnik
J Mehner
Dresden University Press, 2000
A spectral vibration detection system based on tunable micromechanical resonators
D Scheibner, J Mehner, D Reuter, T Gessner, W Dötzel
Sensors and Actuators A: Physical 123, 63-72, 2005
Computational methods for reduced order modeling of coupled domain simulations
F Bennini, J Mehner, W Dötzel
Transducers’ 01 Eurosensors XV: The 11th International Conference on Solid …, 2001
Analyzing and simulation of MEMS in VHDL-AMS based on reduced-order FE models
M Schlegel, F Bennini, JE Mehner, G Herrmann, D Muller, W Dotzel
IEEE Sensors Journal 5 (5), 1019-1026, 2005
Characterization and self-test of electrostatically tunable resonators for frequency selective vibration measurements
D Scheibner, J Mehner, D Reuter, U Kotarsky, T Gessner, W Dötzel
Sensors and Actuators A: Physical 111 (1), 93-99, 2004
Silicon mirrors and micromirror arrays for spatial laser beam modulation
W Dotzel, T Gessner, R Hahn, C Kaufmann, K Kehr, S Kurth, J Mehner
Proceedings of International Solid State Sensors and Actuators Conference …, 1997
Amplitude-and gas pressure-dependent nonlinear damping of high-Q oscillatory MEMS micro mirrors
U Nabholz, W Heinzelmann, JE Mehner, P Degenfeld-Schonburg
Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems 27 (3), 383-391, 2018
Investigations of rf shunt airbridge switches among different environmental conditions
B Schauwecker, J Mehner, KM Strohm, H Haspeklo, JF Luy
Sensors and Actuators A: Physical 114 (1), 49-58, 2004
Design and application of flexible stops for MEMS devices
M Naumann, J Mehner, D Lin, TF Miller
SENSORS, 2010 IEEE, 168-173, 2010
A novel 24-kHz resonant scanner for high-resolution laser display
S Kurth, C Kaufmann, R Hahn, J Mehner, W Doetzel, T Gessner
MOEMS Display and Imaging Systems III 5721, 23-33, 2005
A new type of high bandwidth RF MEMS Switch-toggle switch
B Schauwecker, KM Strohm, W Simon, J Mehner, JF Luy
JSTS: Journal of Semiconductor Technology and Science 2 (4), 237-245, 2002
Toggle-Switch-A new type of RF MEMS switch for power applications
B Schauwecker, KA Strohm, W Simon, J Mehner, JF Luy
2002 IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium Digest (Cat. No. 02CH37278 …, 2002
On the influence of vacuum on the design and characterization of MEMS
M Dienel, M Naumann, A Sorger, D Tenholte, S Voigt, J Mehner
Vacuum 86 (5), 536-546, 2012
New approach of frequency tuning for kinetic energy harvesters
J Schaufuss, D Scheibner, J Mehner
Sensors and Actuators A: Physical 171 (2), 352-360, 2011
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