Anna Di Natale
Anna Di Natale
PostDoc, University of Passau and IIASA
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A structured open dataset of government interventions in response to COVID-19
A Desvars-Larrive, E Dervic, N Haug, T Niederkrotenthaler, J Chen, ...
Scientific data 7 (1), 285, 2020
Collective emotions during the COVID-19 outbreak.
H Metzler, B Rimé, M Pellert, T Niederkrotenthaler, A Di Natale, D Garcia
Emotion 23 (3), 844, 2023
Colexification networks encode affective meaning
A Di Natale, M Pellert, D Garcia
Affective Science 2 (2), 99-111, 2021
LEXpander: Applying colexification networks to automated lexicon expansion
A Di Natale, D Garcia
Behavior Research Methods 56 (2), 952-967, 2024
A structured open dataset of government interventions in response to COVID-19. Sci Data. 2020; 7 (1): 285
A Desvars-Larrive, E Dervic, N Haug, T Niederkrotenthaler, J Chen, ...
LEIA: Linguistic Embeddings for the Identification of Affect
ST Aroyehun, L Malik, H Metzler, N Haimerl, A Di Natale, D Garcia
EPJ Data Science 12 (1), 52, 2023
A structured open dataset of government interventions in response to COVID-19. Sci Data. 2020; 7: 1–9
A Desvars-Larrive, E Dervic, N Haug, T Niederkrotenthaler, J Chen, ...
Is it written in the stars? Studying zodiac signs and horoscopes as cultural phenomena
A Di Natale, H Metzler, E Fraxanet, S Aroyehun, J Lasser, A Herderich, ...
CSS Lab Holiday Paper Series, 2022
Meaning in colexification: Beyond single edges and towards a network perspective
A Di Natale, A Gander, D Garcia
Available at SSRN 4468281, 2023
LEIA: Linguistic Embeddings for the Identification of Affect
S Taofeek Aroyehun, L Malik, H Metzler, N Haimerl, A Di Natale, D Garcia
arXiv e-prints, arXiv: 2304.10973, 2023
and its meanings: An emojical study
A Di Natale, E Fraxanet, M Pellert, J Lasser, H Metzler, A Herderich, ...
Oh my God: The linguistic influence of the TV series Friends
D Garcia, H Metzler, J Lasser, M Pellert, A Di Natale
Stochastic models and graph theory for Zipf's law
A Di Natale
Alma Mater Studiorum Universita' di Bologna, 2018
Affective meaning in colexification networks and applications to automatic lexica expansion
A Di Natale, M Pellert, D Garcia
Text analysis with colexification clusters
A Di Natale
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