Charles Butcher
Cited by
Cited by
Explaining political jiu-jitsu: Institution-building and the outcomes of regime violence against unarmed protests
J Sutton, CR Butcher, I Svensson
Journal of Peace Research 51 (5), 559-573, 2014
Manufacturing Dissent: Modernization and the Onset of Major Nonviolent Resistance Campaigns
IS Charles Butcher
Journal of Conflict Resolution 60 (2), 311-339, 2016
Forecasting the onset of genocide and politicide: Annual out-of-sample forecasts on a global dataset, 1988–2003
BE Goldsmith, CR Butcher, D Semenovich, A Sowmya
Journal of Peace Research 50 (4), 437-452, 2013
Introducing the targeted mass killing data set for the study and forecasting of mass atrocities
C Butcher, BE Goldsmith, S Nanlohy, A Sowmya, D Muchlinski
Journal of Conflict Resolution 64 (7-8), 1524-1547, 2020
Between Eurocentrism and Babel: A framework for the analysis of states, state systems, and international orders
CR Butcher, RD Griffiths
International Studies Quarterly 61 (2), 328-336, 2017
Introducing the International System (s) Dataset (ISD), 1816–2011
RD Griffiths, CR Butcher
International Interactions 39 (5), 748-768, 2013
Organizations, resistance, and democracy: How civil society organizations impact democratization
J Pinckney, C Butcher, JM Braithwaite
International Studies Quarterly 66 (1), sqab094, 2022
Striking it free? Organized labor and the outcomes of civil resistance
C Butcher, JL Gray, L Mitchell
Journal of Global Security Studies 3 (3), 302-321, 2018
Genocide forecasting: Past accuracy and new forecasts to 2020
BE Goldsmith, C Butcher
Journal of Genocide Research 20 (1), 90-107, 2018
Friday on my mind: Re-assessing the impact of protest size on government concessions
C Butcher, J Pinckney
Journal of Conflict Resolution 66 (7-8), 1320-1355, 2022
Alternative international systems? System structure and violent conflict in nineteenth-century West Africa, Southeast Asia, and South Asia
C Butcher, R Griffiths
Review of International Studies 41 (4), 715-737, 2015
‘Capital punishment’ Bargaining and the geography of civil war
C Butcher
Journal of Peace Research 52 (2), 171-186, 2015
States and their international relations since 1816: introducing version 2 of the International System (s) Dataset (ISD)
CR Butcher, RD Griffiths
International Interactions 46 (2), 291-308, 2020
Introducing the anatomy of resistance campaigns (ARC) dataset
C Butcher, JM Braithwaite, J Pinckney, E Haugseth, IV Bakken, ...
Journal of Peace Research 59 (3), 449-460, 2022
Geography and the outcomes of civil resistance and civil war
C Butcher
Third World Quarterly 38 (7), 1454-1472, 2017
Elections, ethnicity, and political instability
C Butcher, BE Goldsmith
Comparative Political Studies 50 (10), 1390-1419, 2017
The policy value of quantitative atrocity forecasting models
S Nanlohy, C Butcher, BE Goldsmith
The RUSI Journal 162 (2), 24-32, 2017
Muddying the Waters: The Anatomy of Resistance Campaigns and the Failure of Ceasefires in Civil Wars
JM Braithwaite, C Butcher
Journal of Conflict Resolution 67 (7-8), 1376-1404, 2023
Understanding and forecasting political instability and genocide for early warning
CR Butcher, BE Goldsmith, D Semenovich, A Sowmya
Australian Government, AusAID, 2012
War, interaction capacity, and the structures of state systems
C Butcher, R Griffiths
International Theory 13 (2), 372-396, 2021
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Articles 1–20